Veganism - What are your thoughts?

No need to convince anyone, soon meat will be outlawed for humanitarian and economical reasons.


been vegan for just over 2 weeks. I feel more energetic and less energy used in digestion.

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The playwrite George Bernard Shaw once said that eating meat was like ā€œcannibalism with the main course removedā€. I suppose thatā€™s a good moral basis for veganism, but I never was big on animal rights. I heard this one animal rights advocate say, ā€œA mouse is the same as a dog as is the same as a boy.ā€ I have to wonder how far down the hierarchy of animal life she extends that. Are we supposed to take extensive measures to protect the health of mice - like maybe performing operations on them when they have cancer? Are we supposed to protect the health of mosquitos? Iā€™m sorry, but I am not willing to extend my reverence for the life of anything but human beings. Humanity has dominion over the animals.
There are also strong arguments for veganism from a health standpoint. Most of the animals we eat have a lot of cholesterol. Also, I think plant protein breaks down faster in the digestive system, and isnā€™t as hard to digest as animal protein. Plant protein isnā€™t as good a quality of protein as animal protein, in that plant protein is usually lacking in all the amino acids that make up high quality protein. A person can remedy that by mixing up different grains and legumes that compliment each other and make a high quality protein when mixed together. I suppose the health arguments for veganism are strong, but Iā€™ll just take my animal protein and exercise to reduce my cholesterol.


Personally, I eat meat because i feel like its natural. I donā€™t like the standards animals are kept in, that needs government interference to regulate imo, but just the concept of eating meat, I donā€™t see a moral problem in it. Keep in mind, any predator would eat you, too. We are animals and I think we arenā€™t doing anything that doesnā€™t come natural to animals. Iā€™m against things like killing for sport and killing animals just for fur (well, nowadays, since we have alternatives, way back before modern times I guess that would be okay though since animal pelts would be a necessity) because, the way I look at it, other animals donā€™t do that, so we shouldnā€™t either. Itā€™s not necessary to our existence and it seems unnatural to meā€“Unnatural is okay, imo, if it doesnā€™t harm and/or is necessary, but killing for sport and for fur harms a living thing without good reason. I do have some limits though, being that I obviously wouldnā€™t eat anything still living (that sounds like a no brainer, but have you seen the video of the girl eating the still live frog in that restaurant? Thatā€™s fucked up) and I wonā€™t eat anything proven to have self awareness, like chimps, elephants, magpies, etc but I mean, you donā€™t exactly come across those meats so itā€™s not a big deal. I also wouldnā€™t eat anything that was ever a petā€“If it was raised for meat, fine, but if it was raised as a companion I could never eat it. I have a pig and people make jokes about eating her and they just arenā€™t funny or cute to me. Thereā€™s also the fact that veganism/vegetarianism being less cruel is assuming plants have no capacity to feel pain, which Iā€™m honestly not sure ofā€¦Thereā€™s also the fact that thereā€™s a difference between the physical reaction to damaging stimuli, all living things have that, and pain as we know it, which is largely psychological in nature, and thereā€™s no real way to know if any certain animal has the ability to feel pain, the emotion pain, rather than just react to damaging stimuli. Plants, like all living things, know theyā€™re being damaged. Whoā€™s to say they donā€™t feel pain? My point is, we know all things know when theyā€™re being damaged, but we canā€™t know whether non human creatures feel the emotion of pain, so I pick self awareness at the point to draw the line. This turned into an essay but Iā€™ve thought about it a lot

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Do you think your pig psychologically feels pain or just an automatic stimuli?

I think it can feel pain but it is unclear how much it can ā€˜sufferā€™ in its ā€˜consciousnessā€™.

Animal industry causes a lot more pollution then all mechanised transport
Including all cars trains buses ships bikes
Need to fish out some statistics

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You donā€™t think a pig wants to live when you take away its life ?
What about a sow suckling her own piglets ? Do you think she has no feelings for them?
Watch abattoir footage of them screaming on you tube
Do you not see similarities to your own life? Eyes ears nose mouth tongue legs sleep eat ā– ā– ā– ā– 
What else?

You are however participating in killing animals unnecessarily
For pleasure
The oceans will be extinct of all currently popular fish in just over a generation

I like this thread. Letā€™s not get it closed down. Because if we were going to close it down there is some really antagonistic ā– ā– ā– ā–  I could be saying. :open_mouth:


You need to sit down and not be so aggressive? Do you not know how to have a civil disagreement?

Iā€™m autistic
Runs in my family

I didnā€™t know that. Thanks for enlightening me.


I am Okkoto and I have a soul! Rarrr!

I see a picnic basket but what is the food? Mommy, what are you going to eat for lunch? Mommy? Whatā€™s that look?