Sneaky brained excuses... Another hurdle in wellness

so he basically ’ nearly ’ ’ stalled ’ the plane, just for a laugh !?
you have a funny sense of humour !?! and a cast iron stomach, i bet you like rollercoasters !?!
take care

Yup (to all four)!

But I have to say, if I didn’t trust in him being a VERY safe pilot I might not have thought it so neat.

I still laugh every time I think of the times he did this, it’s one of my favorite things to think of, makes me smile.

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that is cute, i am glad you still have fond memories.
you should check out gyros, e.g. cavalon auto gyro from germany and arrowcopter also from germany.
they are pretty cool.
the licence is easier and cheaper to learn, particulary in the u.s.
take care.

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wow, thats great man, it sounds like you were doing it anyway and now you just need to make it official (paperwork etc)

i am the same in some respects, i have been driving under supervision with sweep on her insurance because i have been trying to get motivated to get my proper driving license, so last week i had a proper lesson from a proper instructor that i knew and he pointed out all my faults and bad habits which were many, i need to practice brake before clutch and the manouvres etc, but the main thing for me is the theory test :frowning: this theory test is a massive hurdle and i think i will fail but last night i had the cd thing and i did the mock theory test and i passed it :slight_smile: yay me, i also found out that it was cheaper than i thought for the theory test so as soon as i can i will try to do it and get that part of my worry out of my mind for good, then its just the practical test and thats it,

its all paperwork really i mean i know i can drive so i am just making it official and improving as i go as well same as you if you go for this thing, hope it works out anyway

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good news on getting one step closer to your license. You’ll make it.

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I feel you man. I have also been letting schizophrenia keep me back from getting a job or pursuing further studies. I keep thinking employers would discriminate against me coz im sz or that im sz i wont be able to cope with the stress of studying or i wouldnt be able to get a good job after studying because im sz… Its an endless merry go round of thoughts ending with ‘because im sz’.

Im glad you figured out it was your sneaky brain making excuses and not attribute it to negative symptoms of sz like i did. Oh its just “lack of interest in life and flat affect so I can not do anything”

Well recently I got a lucky break when the rehabilitation people called and told me they had an internship placement at a weekend newpaper for me. I had always dreamed about writing for a newspaper so this is big for me. I hope I do well and they keep me on as a staff after the internship.

Go chase your dreams!


Congratulations on the writing job. I’m glad this came your way. Writing for a news paper sounds exciting. I hope they keep you on too.

I’m also glad you didn’t let your Sz stand in the way of what you want.