Slipped off the wagon - back on tobacco

Ahh tobacco. My old mistress - how I missed thee…


Welcome back, friend!

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Aw… :anguished: what happened? Is it only temporary?

Bought a bag of golden Virginia. have had 6 roll ups. Man I enjoyed them.

Actually there are claims that nicotine may normalize brain activity in schizophrenia…

I don’t know how true it is…
Maybe worth a try…
I want to clarify that nicotine may have harmful effects…
Better to consult with serious physicians about potential health effects
And in any case the evidence is very tentative, based on animal models…
So I see no justification as of now to use nicotine…
Perhaps in the future if it proves effective, it will be worth a try.

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Time to up the dose of nicotine in your your vape! Seriously!



tbh, i think i am better off without nicotine/tobacco,

and i didnt stop straight away, it took me several turns until i was able to stop completely

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I’m a smoker

:dash: :dash: :dash: :dash::():dash:
I’m breathing the breath of life into someone

The continuing saga in the misadventures of stickboy

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