Say anything here

My worst fear is cold, hate it

I’m sitting in my house w a coat on. Covered in a blanket.

I have to rush off to the couch and plan Strategy, a plan of action, busy busy busy…

off 2 d casino…

I had a calzone last night.

And that’s my deep, thoughtful contribution to the forum for today.

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Did anyone else see the flashing blue stars? After a while I went to get my niece to check it out but a couple disappeared. The last one started to blink more brightly but then started to move before it vanished.

in my city theres like a national mental health day… there’s gonna be an exhibition and selling products from people with mental health (schizophrenia, bipolar etc) i will be joining and selling my artwork and box of food snacks there… i dunno how many people will be participating and i dunno if anyone will buy anything… but at least its an event… i rarely go out and participate in any event. so yeah… this will be something…



It actually rained today. :umbrella: The parched California landscape rejoices!


i like pringles


Very shocking news :open_mouth:

My online friend was having a bad day today, she also talked about watching a scary movie and did not want to watch anymore of them, I texted her a message saying “wish I could be there to support you” with a pic of my face covered in a mask holding a chain saw.

Made her smile, she said glad your not here :stuck_out_tongue:


You always make me laugh @Mountainman!

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im off for my 3 hour walkies


I want to be smarter, NERDY :DDD

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I am on vacation these days. And work from Saturday.


Well I just about sealed the nail in my coffin it seems. Going to be homeless probably.

You are joking right? Tell me you are joking.