Revenge for all

It’s part of the structure of this place.

It really really is, who knew this place was made of anything right?

Well, it is made of something.

This is part of it.

Revenge for everyone here.

love is more powerful than hate :heartpulse:
wisdom more powerful than ignorance :book:
i surround you in as much love as i can muster, i hope you have a good day…
take care :alien:

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If I write about character it’s because I have two kids who have taught me all of it and I’m a good judge. Don’t you wanna be jury pans?

I figure that if we did come from some greater intelligence then we would think in a greater way as if we are meant to be. So if God is smarter then we are then He knows how we think and that we know we cant out do Him in being clever for He is the origin of all cleverness. Hey do you think we could like kick Him out of office and take over everything and really have some fun doing what ever the hell we want to do without getting into any trouble at all. I think we would really hurt His feelings, because he really is just like a big baby anyway.