Reluctantly seeing a psychiatrist for the first time in a long time. Advice?

Its been a couple years since I was in treatment last. Probably ten years since I’ve taken it seriously. And this will be the only time I have done it of my own volition.

My husband is telling me to keep an open mind, but I’m already hoping the doctor will try to over-medicate me or argue with me about my cannabis use. Just so I can get upset and have an excuse to give up on it again.

I’d really like a low dose medication and CBT, but I also realize that if I had the answers, I wouldn’t be seeking them out in the first place. Anyone relate? Insight appreciated.

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If you can go years without antipsychotics you probably don’t need them. If you could target why you self medicate with cannibus you could work with your doctor to try to combat those symptoms. For example if it’s anxiety maybe you can try a benzo.

Your are probably not going to get CBT from a shrink. Most likely they will refer you to a therapist. A shrink will just write your scripts and send you on your way.

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Honestly I agree with @TomCat on this…antipsychotics are such a horrible medication to be on, unless you are unable to function I would not go on them if I were you. Of course I don’t know how the last 10 years have gone for you, if you’ve been completely dependent and/or living in hell because of your symptoms then go for it…a psychiatrist will continue to up your dose until your symptoms are gone. If your symptoms are gone at a low dose, great they’ll keep you at that. If they aren’t, they will want to raise it, but remember it is your choice to take the meds/fill prescriptions, etc…they can’t force meds on you.

Cannabis can exacerbate psychotic symptoms. Again I agree w tomcat, if you are using it for anxiety maybe see if you can go on an official med like an SSRI.

Psychiatrists rarely if ever provide therapy. You will need to find a separate therapist trained in CBT for that.

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It helps to make a list of things you want to say beforehand. Appointments are only like twenty minutes, and they move fast. It’s easy to forget things. As long as you present yourself as rational and intelligent, they usually take your desires into account when prescribing medication.

I will say that literally every doctor out there will say something about your cannibis usage. It is clinically proven to make psychotic symptoms worse, so they kind of have to discourage it. And combining pot with medication tends to be a bad idea. It makes the medication less effective. A very small number of people here have found relief from pot, but they are the exception to the rule. Doctors aren’t going to assume you’re one of those rare people just because you say so.

I don’t think meds and CBT sounds unreasonable. You just might have to do some searching for a therapist that does CBT for sz.

I suspect they’re not going to be happy about the cannabis either, but that probably won’t keep them from prescribing you meds.

I don’t think that he would over medicate you if you haven’t big problems with delusions & hallucinations.

Tell your pdoc everything and be honest.

Yeah my therapist and pdoc aren’t thrilled about my cannabis use. But they are monitoring it closely and know it doesn’t adversely affect me so they let me stay with it. They don’t allow me to drink though (if I do they won’t perscribe me klonopin) but oddly enough weed is fine (well is legal where I live)

Also I agree if you don’t have to be on meds don’t, I’m lucky that at least I can take very low doses and be fine. Some people on this forum are so medicated I don’t know how they function at all.

If you manage without meds, don’t walk that path. All AP’s have side effects and will make you unfree. I feel like in prison. I have many meds and need them twice a day. I need to plan sleep overs and vacations ahead. Take extra medicine with me and so on. I know if I miss my doses I’ll quickly end up in hospital again.