OTC remedies for anxiety

Can anyone recommend any OTC remedies for anxiety? Nothing illegal,please.

Unfortunately you can’t get kava kava anymore in the uk. That was very relaxing but tasted awful.

Benadryl can be used for anxiety.

Valerian root, kava, chamomile, peppermint and eucalyptus essential oils, watching meditation videos on YouTube, putting an ice pack on the back of your head (anxiety raises the temperature of your brain, which lowers activity in the prefrontal cortex), and doing a simple activity with repetitive steps. Those are just off the top of my head. If you use valerian root, don’t drink or take Tylenol. It breaks down in your liver.


Kava is banned in Europe because of liver damage.

L-theanine is great.

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Promethazine works for me at 12.5 mg

Can be found at any health food store

catnip. make a tea out of it.

I like Zyprexa for anxiety