Only *women* HELP

I went to see a doc to help me with a contraceptive, for the reason that every time I get my cycle - I go KRAZY.
Not only I have mood swings and grumpiness, but also I talk a LOT to myself and can not focus for like 3-7 days after ovulation. I did some research and could be the estrogen ruining my #awesome brain during this time.

Anyway, does anybody have this problem? other than me? symptoms acting up before menstruation?
The doc prescribed me a pill, I would totally try, it just says I can not take it if I smoke =( she did not ask me if I smoke, my file was 2-3 year old so maybe she thought I don’t.

I am doing a blood test soon and then gonna see her again, so maybe she could give me another pill ? Can I take this pill if I smoke?

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(ahem) This is Gertrude speaking…

Try to quit smoking. I know you have good will power!

Toodles! :blush:


Since the injection - my talking to myself is almost down like 90-95% I am so happy for that.
The future does not look very bright I guess. =(

I talk a lot to myself and just feel weird during this time =(

I talk to myself as well. Heck…I’m good company! :slight_smile:

You have so much talent, creativity and intelligence. You’ve always made it look easy.

Try to stay focused on your own awesomeness when you’re feeling down.


It isn’t really safe to smoke with any kind of hormonal birth control.


I readily admit that the one “medication” I love (and take) is my birth control. Aside from stopping pregnancy, which, at 50, I won’t have to worry about much longer, they level me out. I have a cycle every two or three months when I go off of them for a week. My body tells me when it’s ready to do that by going a little haywire, and my symptoms do get harder to control. I become very irritable as well… Every time I can’t wait to start taking the active pills again.
One of the risks of all birth control is blood clots. That risk is heightened by smoking. I would choose quit smoking way before I would choose no pill.


I don’t know how helpful this will be seeing as I’ve never taken contraceptive and I don’t smoke - However, I too go crazy before my menstral cycle. Mainly agitation and rage which brings on my tremor which more like I’m playing air piano. Ugh. Anyway. My blood work showed my hormones were out of whack, really high estrogen, which caused me to get a couple cysts. Cysts are super common in women but the high estrogen isn’t a good thing. You should look into it. Hopefully you find something that doesn’t require another prescription. Best of luck.

are you over 35? can’t take anything with estrogen if you smoke and over 35. That’s why I have an iud.

Feel free to start a new thread about this. This one is old.