News on my journey for wellness

So I spoke with people from my school’s mental health services today and the woman said she was going to email me a list of professionals nearby to me. I wish I would have done this in the first place instead of driving out an hour to go see people who couldn’t do anything for me!

I’m upset about having to see someone new and start all over again but I see it as my best option. I’ve tried CBT and did not find it effective so I’d like to try psychotherapy next I think. Is there anything I should know about it? What’s different?

Also if anyone is on Lexapro (that was the medicine my pdoc wanted to put me on-said Gabapentin wouldn’t be as effective, though I don’t know what the new people will recommend) I’d be grateful for feedback on that too.

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hi glad your getting the right support now. I think wth psychotherapy commincate with your therapist whatever it is.if you don’t think its working or whatever.

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It is a pain starting over… but it does seem like your previous working relationship with your other doc deteriorated.

Starting over sounds like a good option… and if they are closer to you… the better. I hope you can find a good fit very soon.

I’m rooting for you.

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gabapentin barely did anything for me…meanwhile lexapro helps my dads anxiety a lot. klonopin is what i use though

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The problem with Klonopin is that it is a benzo. Most pdocs will only let you stay on them for a short while. Coming off of Klonopin was hard, I am on 1000mg of neurotin now. lexapro is a ssri and they can cause hallucinations, which is why even though I am depressed my pdoc is reluctant to give me much. Keep this in mind, I know that you deal with psychosis.

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There is a modified version of CBT called “Dialectical Behavioral Therapy”. I’m thinking of trying it myself. You might consider that.

Yes that’s something we discussed. I was wary about it at first just because my psychosis finally seemed to be coming under control. My pdoc’s logic is that since my psychosis is only aggressive and unpleasant when my anxiety levels are really high, taking something that will remove my anxiety will then help reduce my psychotic symptoms as well.

If things get too weird I can switch to something else lol.

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Never heard of it. Why does it interest you?

Glad you are trying out a new doctor-a good move.
I would love to get my son on a benzo permanently. I know they are addicting, but just like with his other meds, he needs to be on it the rest of his life.
He was on gabapentin for a short while, and he liked it. However he took more then he was supposed to, and after awhile, the dosage needed to be taken up. He needed more and more to get the benefits for it
Good luck with your new doctor OO

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It interests me because I think it might help me. I feel like my symptoms might respond to it. Dialectical Behavioral Therapy is more involved than CBT. It’s more work, but I think it might help.

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i thought gabapentin was an anti anxiety med and lexapro is an anti-psychotic med, so i was thinking you were wanting to go on that instead, i take both personally, i need my sz under control and my anxiety bc i treat them as two seperate things, so i take both.

I aws nervous about leaving my current therapist in th epast too. But I have to say it worked out well. Theres positives and negatives to these things. Ans sure it will be a growing experience anyeay.

Gabapentin is an anti-seizure medication used off the record to treat anxiety. Lexapro is an antidepressant used in treatment of depression and anxiety disorders.

I think it’s important to know everything about a medicine before you start it.


DBT is a great tool for your coping toolbox. I learned so much from it. It really helps but it takes a lot of practice to make the skills work in real life.