Mental Illness Treatment In India Is Scarce; Abuses And Neglect Too Common

So much for things being better in a third world country for mental health.

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I think we have a few Indians I wonder if they agree?

We have so many doctors from India here in my town that if you meet someone from India, I just assume they r a dr. Of some kind.

That’s racist…

My Doctor is Indian (from India)
She is highly competent and really knows her psych meds.

She is frankly the best (most competent) psychiatrist that I have ever seen.

She went to a highly rated University in India and was also educated in the States and did her training - Residency at top notch Hospitals and Schools here in the States.

No, it’s not racist. I worked in the medical field for awhile, and the complaint is that US doctors can make more income in a larger town, so many doctors here come from India as us doctors take positions elsewhere, Medicaid has a lot to do with it, Medicaid population versus insurance reimbursement.

Totally giving you ■■■■…we have a lot of Indian docs here too…but we have just as many gas station owners who are Indian…

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