Just realized this forum doesnt want me here. goodbye

It has helped me when people told me that what I believed was incorrect. And you’re right Malvok, there are varying degrees of insight. But, if you notice someone is unshaken in a view it could just be something they chose to believe, as many people with schizophrenia just happen to be more eccentric than most. But pointing out a delusion is the most difficult thing to do, you have to be able to be non-aggressive if you choose to even approach it. I think also, pointing toward something else that grounds someone in reality is the most helpful. Instead of saying outright that someone is delusional, offer advice and practical solutions.

I would say to mcxmac, please stay! :sunny:


I think we’ve reached a resolution here. And it’s best to take the lessons we’ve learned about helping people with delusions and move forward with positivity and empathy.




I don’t know if this is true - people might be here because they know they have schizophrenia or other psychosis - but not believe that a given, specific thought or belief is delusional or way off base.

Actually - when I think about it - I’m sure thats true for everyone.


Hey, I’m all for various ideas about how to deal with these situations. I am totally for any method that doesn’t involve agreeing with, reinforcing, or enabling a delusional thought.

I’m glad people are speaking up and adding their ideas, I think this is an important topic.

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Very well-said! Thanks for contributing to the conversation!



I can see that I guess.

This whole subject bothers me because I have had to become rigorous in my reality-testing. It has been difficult for me to keep things reality-based. When I see others being enabled, it makes me feel a bit uneasy.

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How dare you caroline!

Enough is enough!

I am perfect and how dare you suggest otherwise!

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Did you see my photo?!

Perfection dammit!


I’m sorry pansdisease. I guess there are some perfect people on this forum. :smile:


I think you’re a valuable member of this site. Sorry if I caused you to believe otherwise.



Not sure what would be appropriate to say to you. But what I want to say to you is that you should ignore posts that contain people who are discussing a delusion or perception of their own reality. It is my assumption that when you read that happening it makes you worried about your own issues so much that you doubt yourself and for some reason that upsets you. Oh no! Then you react in a way that is very abrasive because you’re scared.
oh and by the way, you must think you’re the ■■■■ if you can sit at a distance and type at me that my mental state is so fragile that I need to be in secured psychiatric care because you’re post is so important to my inner core that it made me suicidal. I would swear here but I’d rather not get banned. It is obvious you missed my point. And I’d rather not explain what my point was to you, because you’re not worth my energy. And besides, admin went into detail of what I was trying to say.

To the rest of you all:
Thank you guys for being supportive. Haters gonna hate. And I just gotta keep going because I have actually received a lot of help from you all (most of you) and based on what you’ve said, staying on here and IGNORING the bologna is better than giving up and waving the white flag. I guess in the end it will make me a stronger person. Thank you I really didn’t think I would post ever again this morning.

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@pob nope you’re awesome and helpful! Thank you!

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