I hope that my dumbness will go away :)

i still have the impression that my brain is shuted up. I don’t have ideas, "projection’’ thoughts, I don’t get the things still…its like I lack a little bit of my intellect and imagination… plus the feeling that I can feel my brain in my head, one brain who is asleep… otherwise my sz is not by crisis,its strange. my mon even thinks that I can be an austist,yeah… for my pdoc I was clearly a schizophrenic but my illness is cronic… the most of the schizos which I know are by crisises, not chronic suffering like mine(strange).
kisses tou all of you,keep going :wink:

You might tell your pschiatrist about it and maybe you can have your meds adjusted so you don’t feel this way? good luck.


You’re not dumb!

Have you talked to your mom about starting therapy?

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yeah. she told me that she wont give me money for it and that this wont help me… after 15 years of illness I wanna live in fact. eve if its with babysteps now… I am fed up with all that stuff… I am stubborn I know but I have obsessions(about love, my envy etc), I should distract myself like my pdoc was telling me

Take it one day at a time… Maybe buy some books on CBT and practice it yourself.

ok,thank you Minnie. I thin somwetimes therapy didn’t regulate everything :/…
does somebody else was feeling dumb because of his illness also? its per moments for me… sometimes its okay, sometimes I am like shuted up for all the emotions and don’t have an access to my intellect. maybe all the weed that I smoked is one of the reasons for this state…

@Anna let me tell you , you need to build some strength/fight more for yourself…i mean some people have had it harder and they are still trying to fight…I come from a third world barbaric country…a failed marriage that carries immense stigma coupled with a Mental illness it is a sure shot result of permanent hospitalization and a legal case and everyone in my family will be pleased with that (atleast they will avoid stigma)…but I am still fighting alone…Its not easy but I am fighting.

I am just saying that people have harder situations than yours and do survive…so please Fight more…

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me too I am fighting saurav, really… I was a ghost when I landed in psychiatry… I didn’t progress a lot but I stopped switching meds which is a progress for me. o go outside, I cook, I am cleaning my house and I see two friends here at home… for the moments it looks like not a lot but I was worse than that… me too I come from a marriage where my mom hated my father, he was probably ill.
what would you do if you were feeling dumb in my case? cause sometimes I cant fight against this… my head is heavy then, she falls down…

Thats awesome @Anna10, I do none of these and have no friends. So I am sorry i was wrong, you are dealing better than me !.

I meant my marriage.

I really feel issues regarding parents should be best left to them. Its their life really.

me I am mean in my thoughts still which doesn’t make from me a good friend… at my worse, I dropped everything so I am not a nice person in a way… no learn to be a better one and just to be healthy. I am sure you struggle too…
but did you had this-feeling dumb? what would you do if you were in my place? meds are helping me to go outside but I don’t go to ‘‘cultural events’’'where there are a lot of people etc… maybe it will come… I should be patient with this meds… I tried lower dose of my current ap, it was worse-just suffering

I understand @Anna10 about you wanting to make friends…I cannot catch it really well since I have been a loner all my life and have Zero pals. Probably I am schizoid so I cant really understand what you mean.

I really hope you get awesomely better @Anna10 and be a social butterfly of the town !!. Im sure u would!

I am sorry @Anna10, I am just not in good condition. I was being harsh, I am truly sorry.

Hope everything goes perfect.

don’t worry, me tooi don’t write a lot right now cause I don’t feel fine, I feel just dead(relating to this post)…

my situation is worse. I’m dumb as dirt but somehow manage to act smart and everyone thinks I’m still smart and expect me to be smart and my father wants me to go to medical school. I sometimes cant make my coffee though, but because all people around me have some degree of “craziness” and live in their own words they think I’m still the straight A teenager. they miss the fact that I’m a 32 yo virgin adult on disability… :smiley:

I know the feeling of being dumb. I’ve been told that something to the brain is misfiring in the mentally ill - that spark of mental excitement about life is suffocated and that the meds help with that. But I still feel dumb and very simple. Know you have a friend who understands how you feel. Gently rub your head and you might uncover a headache.

Hi, Anna. I have to support @jukebox here. Many of the things you have written suggest some combination of over-medication and mis-diagnosis or mis-medication. You’re suffering a lot more than necessary, so it seems, given the size of the modern psychopharmacological toolbox in the US and western Europe, at least.

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I can feel my brain in my head as well…thank you as I’ve never heard this spoken of by anyone and have been concerned. It feels numb…most of the time. I’m hoping my “dumbness” will go away as well…feels tonight like it has…along with the evil voice that’s been in my head night and day for months on end. Seriously, I wake up with it and go to sleep with it…it’s horrible.

Just curious. How long have you been on the med you are on now and at the dose you are on now?

Might be the sz talking here. I say that because there are few (if any; it’s still debated) tactile or pressure receptors in the brain. And no pain receptors (evidently, because the brain can be quite injured without any sense of itself being so).

One can do psycho-surgical probing for hours without the patient knowing what you’re doing in there… save for his or her sensations in response to a minute electrical stimulation by that probe which the patient does not connect at all to the probe itself.

Pts with encephelitis, for example, don’t feel the swelling in the brain case at all (though they do feel burning sensations elsewhere).

BUT… the notion that one can feel his or her brain is commonly reported by sz pts, so I wouldn’t feel “wrong.”