How do you hear your voices?

I hear my voices clearly in full sentences in all most every sound around me. I hear them in the fan I hear them in music and in every sinus tone talking with in the same frequency sound range from 12khz to 18hz. Even in static noise.

Mine come out of the TV, my phone, my earbuds, running water, music, and the fan sometimes. They used to be very loud electrically, but in the past year have been mostly in my head. They suck


I mostly see things that aren’t there. As far as hearing things, I sometimes hear the people I am hanging out with say something when they say they did not. I’ve also heard lots of people talking around me when I am in a room by myself. The voices come out of nowhere that I can tell (lots of the times, no back ground noise). But all this is gone with 10mg abilify. Now I only see things occasionally and don’t hear anything.


When I Oscillate two sound frequencies and then remove my headset the voices sound like they are under water for a short while.

this and all these post confirm what i have suspected for 10 years. The hallucinations are some kind of processing disorder. That a persons brain, for whatever reason picks up certain frequencies, and can not process them correctly. Those frequencies are then turned into hallucinations. I have oten wondered if it is some kind of damage to the sensoneural hearing nerves beyond the inner ear. Has any one else ever wondered about this?
I mean amputees can have phantom limb syndrome swearing they can feel their missing limb. What if it is the same? like a damaged or disconnected cranial nerve? someone has to be on board with me here?
no one can tell me they are not courious about why hallucinations happen? maybe i do not belong posting in strange beliefs section? I wonder if this can be pi ked up on something like an fMRI? has any reasearcher ever tried to see the promlem besides on a regular MRI?


macy this is interesting, Its different for me because its like the voice is me, but not me…because I don’t control it…I dunno if anybody else experiences this. I know its not me because I didn’t THINK it…or its just random…and that’s IF I have voices…its hard to explain…


@VoicesH8ter keep it simple my friend …

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Mine are mostly whispers coming from behind me. Sometimes it’s indistinct music. When I’m full on psychotic it’s full conversations, phone calls that aren’t really happening, that sort of thing.

If you hear voices in machinery or electronics, this is just radio frequency. I hear this too. This is what I read on the internet.
I know the difference when I hear hallucinatory voices then the voices come out of silence. And the voices are constant, continuing, nonstop, and mumbling. Either that, or music that is non stop and continuing and arising out of silence.

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It’s as good a theory as any. They say that people with visual and auditory hallucinations have differences in particular areas of the brain.


Mines definetly radio frequency


My voice sort of sounds like me only completely dispassionate. When I start having trouble, I ask it questions and the answers usually are not good. When the medication is working properly, the only thing I experience is an occasional murmuring when I try to sleep.

I’d really like to be able to find the guy and punch his lights out for being such a mean spirited jerk.


I know the feeling lol. I’ve not found a medicine that changes the voices at all.

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My voices are definitely not noise frequencies. Although I’m on medicine so it calms the voices down, but the only time I hear them now is when I go to bed and try to sleep. When my mind is on blank that’s when they come through with the most random , stupidest, making no sense stuff.

I don’t hear them through the day only at night, but through the day my mind is occupied with watching t.v or playing on the internet

They mean the voices are carried by these frequencies

Mine chime in any gap that they can get.

When you hear voices as you fall asleep, or as you are awakening, these are called hypnagogic hallucinations and these are considered within the range of normal.
Also, voices that are caused by radio frequencies are normal also.
When you see visual hallucinations, with your eyes closed, these are also considered normal.


Well then tell me why everybody else I know that’s “normal” doesn’t hear voices in their head at night talking to them or see visual hallucinations?

Or do you mean that it’s normal for us (scizo people) to hear,see all this stuff?

exactly. I am not saying a damaged crainal nerve is the entire problem of sz and nor am i implying such a thing is responsible for other symptoms. I am concentrating on auditory hallucinations alone.

I know there are frequencies out there that are not audible to humans. Yet it does not mean those frequencies can not find their way into our earholes. lol Some of frequencies are very high or low. Many occur ** randomly** from totally explainable sources we would mever think of in a million years:

Example: my ASE certified machanics text book states that the wires leading to the spark plugs on a car are insulated with a compound of fragile substance we know as graphite (pencil lead). Those wires must be insulted because they emitt electromagnetic waves, (which all waves of any kind must have a frequency). The waves emmitted by those wires would at the least cause nothing but static on a cars radio. At the most, they would interfer with the electrical magnetic induction produced by parts in the car used to start it.( if they were not insulated by graphite)

This whole big and random world with its legion upon legion of technology has got to produce wide spread various frequencies both above and below human hearing 24/7. So, yeah, i got to wonder: damaged sensioneural cranial nerves?

I hear people’s thoughts or people whispering about me or making comments, just like I went into a meeting with the psychologist, I heard him outside the door inviting people to come and take me to the hospital, many times I hear my kettle boiling and a dog breathing outside.
And I also see things sometimes that do not exist, it is very confusing that any sigth or voice that seem unrelated or delusional should ask people if they have seen, or heard,