Antipsychotics-are they worth it?

I’m not sure if I should go back on antipsychotics.

First reason why, I gained 90 pounds when I was on them. I get prescribed a different one that won’t cause it, but the paper of side effects say weight gain.

Side effects. So many negatives to take them it seems. Scary side effects.

Im not even sure what it will help anything with me.
Hallucinations? I don’t have any. I have a conscience not voices. I remember is psychology class the teacher playing a “schizophrenia simulator” thing and I thought nope not me. You can find the video on YouTube.

I have paranoia I’ll admit that.
But does everyone get paranoid every now and then?
I’m not sure. My family always seemed paranoid about things, but they were also doing drugs like bath salts or meth. What if my paranoia is just a learned behavior from them?

I’m not even sure a ap will help my situation.
I took Zyprexa, invega injection, abilify, Latuda
I took Geodon for a little bit but apparently that will cause heart issues? I have tachycardia already

Now back to family issues I remember my dad had a bunch of medications in the bathroom closet I thought they were all for diabetes but I saw he had a prescription for Geodon. (My dad didn’t do drugs…he was always working in the oil field)
I was told by my half brother’s ex wife that my dad was bipolar. I knew my dad’s sister was schizophrenic (never met her) I also even heard my grandma was too

For the short amount of time I took Geodon it was alright made me sleepy like all the others

I feel like they are just medications to keep you sedated.

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I take my antipsychotic mainly for hallucinations and intrusive thoughts if I didn’t have hallucinations I probably wouldn’t take it, what symptoms do you have

Hallucinations are only triggered with stress it seems but not a constant (I mean I do hear minor things I can disregard like for example I’m always hearing something like someone left a tv on in another room)

Paranoia I have
Intrusive thoughts yes
How would it help the intrusive thoughts?

mainly for me I have horrible thoughts that pop up in my head randomly over and over the same stuff that I wish I could forget and like once the voices were quieted my thoughts became a little more clear and the thoughts don’t bother me as much now

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In my case the antipsychotic clozapine absolutely changed my life in a fantastic way. Sure there was weight gain and other side effects that sucked, but I believe the positives of having your brain functioning well outweighs the negatives of gaining 20 odd kgs. I have fluctuated 30kg here and there but right now have managed to maintain a healthy weight for my height, body type etc for over 2 months.
Healthy eating and lots of water helps :blush::slight_smile:


Honestly, I wish to God that I didn’t have to be on an Antipsychotic.
But in my case I have no choice, especially if I want to live Home with my family.
Antipsychotics keep me from going absolutely Nuts!
If I get off my AP, I become so Delusional and Paranoid that I become a Danger towards others.
I would probably end up in Jail or on the Streets.
I don’t know your situation but it would be a safe bet if you talked it over with a qualified psychiatrist.
Best of luck to you.


@sigarino have you tried Sarcosine? I recommend it for “horrible” thoughts. It got rid of mine for 90%

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@bearinit90 has clozapine improved your cognitive functioning drastically?
Have you got to pre morbid level cognitive functioning or even better?
What dose are you on?
How much time did it take for clozapine to kick in?

If Risperidone completely poops out on me, I may have to go on Clozapine.

@nominomi dude or dudette if I had no hallucinations or intrusive thoughts there’s no ■■■■■■■ way I would take antipsychotics. Also because “normal” people have them too.


If there’s no immediate risk or danger looming without it, you might be able to get away with it. Take it from me, I’m medication free, and about as f^cked up in the head as they come. Only difference between me and an inmate rotting in prison is I have (highly crippling) control over myself. The amount of suppression required to keep myself under control is nightmarish, without going into any detail. Technically, I should be on meds, considering the ongoing psychotic breaks and the consequences if I lost control entirely. I’m really stubborn though, and nobody around me really cares all that much about me (think they’ve had it, lol), as long as their lives are fine and dandy. So, I’m not sure I really care all that much how f^cked up I’ve gotten. Bottom line, from my perspective, if you can get away with it, then maybe, and probably only your doctor is a good person to assess that.


If you can manage off them why deal with all the terrible side effects? I know I need them, if I had the ability to go off them for a month I would be ecstatic. Even a week is impossible for me. Even a day.

As for you, apparently you can go off them and not go completely batshit, if your cognition, motivation, all the important stuff for you to function is intact then stay off drugs by all means.

If you are like me and can’t last an hour off high doses of medication then you are ■■■■■■.

I don’t think antipsychotics can help with intrusive thoughts. Maybe meds (antidepressants) for OCD can help you. I’m taking clomipramine for intrusive thoughts, but it’s not working. I just question the intrusive thoughts in order to transform them into positive ones. For example, if I have a intrusive thought that I’m stabbing someone, I question: “Why would I stab this person?” If I conclude I have nothing against the person I’m stabbing (in my mind), I don’t get the huge anxiety caused by the intrusive thought.

I’ve read that haldol can help with OCD - intrusive thoughts

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I’m not sure anymore sorry. Just had a relapse. When I started clozapine years ago it kicked in immediately. Now I’m on 300mg. Side effects have come back badly. I’m stuck in negative thinking an not trusting people anymore. Hope I can recover again. Do have a great mental health team of professionals

I don’t have a choice