No, I am only on an AD and mood stabilizer.
Same with me until a few days ago.
My first doc told me that the most important thing to do is to count ones calories in order to not gain weight.
Something I didn’t do.
But at that point I was working out 5-6 days a week. I was on a strict diet and after my psychotic break, I was fed up with everything. I had to make priorities, getting rest and being on meds was one of them.
If I recover some more I’ll reduce olanzapine and start exercising again.
Today is day 1 of metformin and on lispronil for blood pressure.
Sugar still shot up with breakfast to over 200. Dropped to 121 since I didn’t eat lunch.
I think it takes awhile for metformin to show results. I’d give it a couple days. Good luck Zombie.
I got a light cough from Lisinoril. It sucked.
My blood sugar is off, as well.
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