Until further notice. By the power invested in me by the people.
Outstanding. Imma go drink another bottle of cough syrup and nap for a while.
I command you to not take a nap.
Good luck with that - I have been randomly falling asleep these past three days.
Can I use the bathroom
Yes, very briefly…,
I used to tell the voices that the Imperial Blizzard forbid them to talk any more. Problem was they were anarchists.
A citizens suspension kinda like a citizens arrest
I never wore suspended. Too tight on the shoulders.
Hold on while I suspend you all.
Actually, just @77nick77 for 5 minutes.
Damn, tough start to a new year. I had a lot of time to think about my actions during my suspension and I decided you are now all unsuspended. You’re welcome.
Good! Glad you’ve spent that time in contemplation
Well, I actually spent three minutes of it eating a ham sandwich. But I put in a good, solid two minutes of thinking there.
Thanks for the clickbait @77nick77 .
Honestly my first thought that it was @anon4362788 as the OP but I value my braiiinnnzzzz so I didn’t name any names.
I don’t have any so I’m immune to her.
Don’t make me hand out more 5 minute suspensions
Sometimes, a suspension is good. I ground my sister and tell her she has to stay in her room and can’t talk to others. It makes her very happy.