I'm back from suspension

I missed you all so much. I felt so alone especially when I got up in the middle of the night before my bestie in Scotland got up and I had no one to talk to. I felt so bad I couldn’t be there to comfort @jukebox when rooroo passed. So sorry about your loss sweetie. Having your lifeline taken away from you is steep punishment indeed. Be wary and read the rules.


Seems likes it’s kinda hard to get suspended on here. What did you do if you don’t mind me asking. Id be weary to post if you’d get in trouble again lol

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@anon59642972 the biggest thing is be kind and if you do something wrong they usually give you a warning being suspending someone

Glad you’re back @Leaf

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I was unaware of the rule to take your arguement with mods to pm and was just posting as the rule was being reminded and boom, suspension

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@Leaf I said usually

Glad your back!

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Just brush up on the rules from time to time i say, yes it is hard to get suspended.


Welcome back! @Leaf

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