the mods don’t get that, Sheri.
no. of course not.
what’s 9 times out 10, Sheri?
YOU, getting the suspension.
You’ve been on for a while now without a suspension.
You can do it!
ha, thanks for keeping up on me. ha.
What’s up Sherri daze???
You silly. You know the mods are going to see this. Don’t go looking for trouble
doggies, Jon. bout you?
Kitties meowwww. Chocolate Easter candy
they put chocolate eggs now with Reese’s Pieces inside. ahhhh, to die for.
Oh my mom
Got those plus cadberry eggs plus 4 chocolate bunnies
didn’t see cabury this year, but maybe I didn’t look too hard, don’t shop much, rarely leave the house, let alone go into the cities.
Haha your a card. Theres a sort of devilish attraction about you. You are our renegade on this forum lol x
I got 2 days off for calling out bullying, gee thanks lol
@Daze try not to sweat the little things is all i am saying
I havent had an Easter egg in while
When did they Roll away the Stone?
probably best not answer that or we will both get suspenders lol
He gave you 2 days off for repeated opening threads to restart an argument after being asked not to. Not for calling out bullying. Let’s get the facts straight. You opened 3 threads to call out that person after your original thread was closed. You were treated more than fairly.
not how i see it but meh
fine, but i didnt start all that crap and i ended suspened
Glad your back!
No, you did not. I will give you that. But that thread was closed to end the argument.
How can I get suspended. Y’all R kewl.
well, you gotta have a bad rep for speaking your mind.