Mine was I was convinced I was dead and the fear with it
What was yours?
Mine was I was convinced I was dead and the fear with it
What was yours?
I thought my enemies were going to come and kill me.
Testing if I was really God by killing myself.
That I’m a god. Been dealing with that for 21 years.
Solidarity dude, I tried that route too.
Here’s to healthier days and better choices, cheers.
Another delusion I had God the devil and all the human race hated me and I was sent to hell for this
And the voices added to that
I thought that fairies were going to destroy the world and I had to burn myself to prevent it. I’ve got the scar to prove it
I thought my sweet, loving husband (who doesn’t even look at porn) was cheating on me with lots of other women. Everytime he even glanced at a lady on the street, I thought, he wants to be with her instead of me.
It was so ridiculous. I was in constant heartbreak, but for no real reason. And hubby was on the verge of a mental breakdown, because of my accusing questions.
It was a nightmare. That was before we knew I was literally delusional and had schizoaffective bipolar type.
Once I started an AP, I no longer thought such things!
Everything is fine now, for the last 5 years.
Take your meds, folks!
Ouch, sorry bout that one. I’m glad things are good!
I need my meds
I love my meds tbh
Actually, probably the worst was that my parents hated me and were trying to ruin my life. I almost lost them
It sounds silly now. The worst delusion I had was that I yelled and caused a destructive tsunami in southeast Asia. I felt terribly guilty about the mass loss of life. It also led me to believe I was under surveillance. Sometimes I still battle with that delusion. The tsunami was the worst though because the guilt made me feel like I deserved to die.
Seeing the world’s most wanted terrorist right in front of me in the drug store I was in. Total hallucination. Didn’t know it at the time. Very scary. Heart raced. Panicked. Ran out of the store. Drove erratically all over the city for hours to avoid capture. Hello schizophrenia.
probably my worst delusion is that in a past life i was very successful and stressed, and as a result i am very tired and recovering in this life. this prevents me from being productive all the time. i used to really think i had accomplished quite a bit in a past life, and decided to give myself a pass on this life, something like a vacation, thinking i’d earned it.
Osama bin Laden? You don’t live in Pakistan?
Did you have a God delusion, at the time, too?
How did you think that they were trying to ruin your life?
Nope. Close though, I thought I was some sort of prophet like Moses.
Did they ever give a reason for this? Or was it just a sinister, unknown something?