Your medication dosage + functionality [POLL]

1mg 3x day with meals. I know it’s a low dose, but it still almost knocks me over.

I take 2 mg in the morning and 1 mg before bed. It makes it a little bit harder to wake up in the morning, but I do fine once I get up and have my coffee.

I need to Google my cardiologist harder, or perhaps hire a P.I. to tail him and find something blackmail worthy. Then I can get back on Geodon.


This is less of a poll and more of an answerable thread imo. I’m on medium dose of abilify. Only pill size they make of naltrexone I believe …so standard dose. Small tiny dose of Zoloft. Small tiny dose of klonopin. I am doing very well on this med combo. Couldn’t ask for much better!


Average dose of amisulpride and very low dose of olanzapine and I’m doing ok. Could be better but surviving