Your Ignorance Could Cost Me My Life


Holy crap that’s a great article. There are seriously plenty of people I’d like to whap over the head with it. Thanks for finding and sharing it.


I can understand some of the sentiments, but think she sorely misses the point.

I feel uncomfortable with the persistant likening of schizophrenia to things like diabetes, cancer, etc. There are several reasons why such a comparison is simply not warranted, hence experts subscribing to the biopsychosocial model in large numbers. Moreover, despite the intentions to destigmatize schizophrenia with such comparisons, it has been shown this has has (unintenionally) the opposite effect when it comes to eg. perceived dangerousness. Accordingly, not only is the comparison not warranted, it is also not desirable. I think she also needlessly disempowers herself when subscribing to such a comparison. This could cost her her recovery.

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I wrote this. Thank you for sharing. It was just a rough draft honestly. I wrote it yesterday and shared it on my blog with like 5 followers.


They actually found that schizophrenia was connected with diabetes. Some people on this forum got diabetes from Zyprexa.

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Love this, thankyou!

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@augustwashere. That is a beautifully written piece. It is clear, candid and to the point. And it could save lives.

@firemonkey Thank you for posting this on this forum as well as on the Family Forum.


So in this article, about like being a healer, brainwashed, bad energy, spiritually wrong,
Is it like actual people in the flesh, or symptoms of the illness, or like something she doesn’t agree with and is strongly against?

Well said. Comparing mental disorders to things like diabetes is at best simplifying a complex human problem and at worst doing a major disservice to patients and the mental health field. More generallt, antistigma campains should give up the simplistic and reductionistic axiom of “mental illness is like any other medical illness.” It’s not. Somatic diseases like diabetes do not alter the core self of a person substantially. Mental disorders, on the other hand, affect the very core one’s being and affect their relation to themselves and other people. Compulsory treatments are a strong testimony of hoe poor mental health can interfere with the capacity for logical thought and greatly disturbs the emotions and behavior, thus requiring legal mitigation.

I got a little teary eyed

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That is a very good post Myself I do not let on to anyone other than family that I have Schizophrenia. Perhaps I should but I am not as brave as you. I am 57 years old. And I take my meds as prescribed. I have had the same job for over 30 years but I am afraid to tell people what I have. Perhaps I should reconsider that.


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I see what you are saying, but I’m not talking about the differences between diabetes and schizophrenia because I’m well aware they are vastly different. I am talking about how there’s a physical cause for both. You’re assuming I said something that I did not. @InnerCircle

thank you so much @Moonbeam

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Thank you so much for reading @zaphod <3