Your first computer?

Mine was Sinclair Spectrum in the early 1980s. It was a good computer. I learned assembly language and BASIC. Back then the BASIC programs were quite slow and so I programmed some assembly language routines to speed up my game, Downhill Skiing game, that I programmed.

What was your first computer?


An hp spectre with dr. Dre beats audio… haha I loved that thing. I swear a girl that spent the night at my house poured water on it because I wouldn’t hook up with her. Either way it got fried the night she spent the night… the only water bottle around had a top on it. Fishyy… :thinking:

I live in Silicon Valley. I guess most people know of it?
When I was 14 or 15 my downstairs neighbor was a computer programmer.
This was in the 1970’s, years before the big electronic boom. But he had one of the first early personal computers. Obviously this was before the internet. But he tried to teach me how to use it and he tried to teach me Fortran. I wasn’t that interested but I tried to learn anyway. After about a month I lost interest altogether and quit. Four years later after I gradated high school and I was working jobs as dishwashers or at gas stations he tried to get me an entry level job at the electronics firm he worked for. I applied but I didn’t get the job.


Aw mann… i would of done the same thing… haha

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An Apple IIE and my first programming language was BASIC. That was in the late 80s/early 90s. I used to love programming. I was lucky enough to write programs and run them on a super computer at uni.

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my first computer was a laptop from my aunt for college.

but my experience with computers was long before that. I don’t know when I started using computers, but I just remember using floppy disks (maybe for playing games or just holding data?), probably at school or from my mom.

I remember my mom used to have a small case to hold floppy disks and a large basket of CDs that I constantly looked through. I would buy CDs to hold information like music for a CD music player. To reinstall Windows on my mom’s computer, we had to have our Windows reinstallation CD: I wonder if Windows still does that today.

it’s amazing how I think I experienced the transition from floppy disks to CDs and then to SD cards.

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I remember the first computer that got me into computer gaming was a 400mhz celeron it was a hewlett packard this was way back in 1999 lol it could run my favourite game aliens vs predator and I think a v p 2 as well good times


A p486 with floppy disks <3 enough to run monkey island and silent service 2

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Was a used HP I think, ran DOS, had to figure it out on my own, silly thing pissed me right off lol

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It is funny actually, I started hearing more voices in 1999 in Atlanta such as ‘Zenith wants to talk with you’ and then a young woman Sinclair left a voicemail message for me.

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Mine was a Spectrum 16K my dad bought us. We used to do basic hacking of games, because you could access the source code at times. Just things like putting my name on the screen, or insulting my bro.


that’s an oxymoron, if I ever saw one.

just kidding.

My first computer was a calculator. I would enter the numbers : 58008 and turn it upside down.


what a smart butt, this guy is. ^

are you going to mention the hospital computers at your birth, as well?

but yeah, calculator are technically computers. so he’s right.

also I want to give you 2 Likes because of the picture. how do I do this? :laughing:

A calculator is a computer. It takes input, processes it, and produces an output!

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My first computer I built out of secondhand parts from a local PC shop.

Cost me about £50 to build as my mum got me an empty tower from her work and I used that.

This was in about 1999. It had a 4gb hard drive which is nothing now!


What I liked about Spectrum was that I was able to design my own characters in addition to the ASCII code. For example, i could have designed my avatar to be included in all useful characters.

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A Commodore 64 that I got when I was about 10. The first day I got it, I typed in the command ‘Get me into the bank’, and got an error msg that said ‘An illegal operation has been performed’. I spend several days hiding under the bed, terrified the police were coming for me. :astonished:


Just remembered mine was a IBM

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lol I have a 8gb SD card that’s the size of my thumb nail. :laughing: