mine is played by Ed o Neil in Wayne’s world 2.
So, Wayne…? I hear you’re putting on some kind of concert. That’s good. People need to be entertained, they need the distraction.I wish to God somebody’d do something to block out the voices in my head for 5 minutes, the voices that scream over and over again “Why do they come to me to die? Why do they come to me to die?”
Gee I don’t know Summer Glau. Only one that came to mind.
Dead pool…well the newer comic book adaptation…he’s super Sz…
I’m my own favourite schizophrenic character!
You stole mine! River Tam is my favorite portrayal of schcizophrenia in the media.
Casper, the friendly schizophrenic.
George Bush. What a cut-up! What’s that lovable madman going to do with the rest of his life? What a lovable curmudgeon.
“Heh, heh, heh. Yes, lets bomb Iraq or they will destroy us, heh, heh, heh”.
“Heh, heh, heh, Whoops, sorry America. Heh, Heh, Heh. Oopsies!”
I suppose Brad Pitt in twelve monkeys.
That’s the only one I know or can think of.
Does John Nash in A Beautiful Mind count?
The main character in Donnie Darko
Kramer in Seinfield. I’m not sure if he’s specifically schizophrenic though.
lol that’s good… er not the illness but the fact I guessed right. I thought he acted as another fake MI personality
I don’t watch the show much, so I don’t know what that’s about lol
I should watch that episode lol
He is somewhat schizophrenic.
And it’s all because of that doll running around his apartment at night.
Well, jerry had an unfortunate encounter with kramer’s ventriloquist doll when he slept over there.
And so he found out very quickly why kramer acts the way he does.
Robin William’s character in The Fisher King. First one I think I related to and made me break down sobbing… Didn’t know other people had “monsters”…
Edward Norton in fight Club
Not sure if he was sz but Howard Hughes definitely had bipolar disorder. The movie the Aviator is one of my personal favorites. I wish I had his courage.
In literature I would have to say Holden Cauffield from catcher in the rye. He was definitely mentally ill and didn’t give a ■■■■
Also Carrie Fisher has become a posthumous hero of mine. She was very courageous and had a stellar career in Hollywood despite her battle with serious mental illness. I saw a documentary on her and she was definitely as crazy as I am. If she can do it than so can I is how I’m starting to feel.
Carrie from Homeland TV series.
There is an SZ war robot / AI in the books by Neal Asher, named ‘Penny Royal’. Something of a monster but also quite relatable at times. I really like the character.
@77nick77. He’s quite a character and he is an AWESOME example of recovery.
that feeling when robots can feel emotions :0