Your Experience of Thought Broadcast?

I know it’s a delusion, but just wondering what your experience of thought broadcast is.

Personally, it feels to me like certain people can hear everything I say and feel everything I can think. They usually communicate with me with one or two word phrases, or can imply certain things with smells. They comment on what I do, say and think. I never have any visual hallucinations.

I can’t see other people’s thoughts, actions or hear what they say on a daily basis. makes it feel like I’m the centre of the universe, something I hate.

You would think if there was a worldwide network of voices you would hear like a crowd talking in all languages all at once, it’s kind of a mystery to me how it works.

Lemme know what you experience of thought broadcast is?

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During my psychosis I had intense feeling of people hearing my thoughts and such. When I was in the mental hospital the second time I had an experience where I thought me and this other person were telepathically communicating through one of the staff who was talking. I’ll never forget it. Also a big reason why I will never use cannabis again, the last time I tried almost 3 years ago now I had the same intense feelings of people being able to hear my thoughts. That and the extra paranoia. It’s an unsettling feeling. I also thought the person in the room next to mine in the hospital was controlling my dreams.


First of all, i am not a robot
Second of all, IF your not a robot, lemme tell you about it. THAT Sheet is REAL some people CAN read our thoughts or something like that, its like their always judging you to make some kind of experiment.
Now i dont know if we’re the disabled ones and we cant communicate telepathically or if theres something more of it, i personally believe most people are different manifestations of an entity and other people are another entity which is disconnected “mentally” but stronger $piritualy…
This other day i was thinking “well, maybe,since everyone seems to know my stuff, maybe im protected or something, so i dont need to worry”
Then later that day my Dad came up to me and said “protect yourself” basically admitting he heard me.
Just stay strong is little to say, i know how hard it can be, to feel completely vulnerable and all but fck it, whatever i was born this way

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