Darn roommate. I’m pissed now. I go out of the way to be nice for 9 damn months. When the guy gets confused and forgetful and can’t follow a conversation I make a point of being patient and humoring him for 9 damn months. And it backfires. I have weird coping methods to survive in this world with people. I’ve used them for 55 years. My methods don’t hurt anyone. It’s how I live. I have an illness, I don’t want to make anyone nervous. So maybe I try too hard to make people comfortable around me.
And then he sees through my method and changes my damn life. Mind your own damn business. He’s just thinking of himself at the expense of me. I’m tired of fuking people changing my life and not caring. No offense but the guy lived on the streets and was in the Army for 7 months before getting kicked out. So is this supposed to make him better than me?
Fuk it. It’s over now anyways. Oh well, it’s done. Sht. Maybe I’ll set a couple of cold potatoes under his sheets tonight for revenge. Sht.
Ya man that is true , people on the streets are there for a reason or two, trust me I know. And though ive been on the streets i would never share a room or part of my life really with any one from the street life considering what brought them on the streets.
Street people are selfish bastards, its a survival mechanism.
He served the military for 7 months and there is a reason he ■■■■■■ up and couldnt cut it in the military.
The guys girlfriend called him a minute ago and he left to go see her. So I will have the space to stew about it for a few more minutes and move on. I’m OK. Thanks for asking.
Yeah, I guess I learned that I can’t trust him fully. Oh well, it’s a good lesson for me. I trust a lot of people I probably shouldn’t. I have to smarten up. People are still cool though, in my book. I’m learning that my other neighbors are pretty cool and when I needed to dump some trash from my car and the garbage can outside was full, the woman was really nice and told me where else I could dump it and another guy got up and tried to help too. They’re cool people.
no prob. I hope things get better. You were just a little while ago posting about how everyone was being nice. I am sorry this guy ruined your good mood. My gpa used to say don’t let them see you upset then you are giving them power over you. Something along those lines anyway. Emotion is something I am good at controlling so only I have power of me.
Yeah, exactly turtle. That’s the first thing I told the guy when I moved in, I told him I had to get used to having a roommate again. It’s a small room, too. Thanks, how are you dong this morning?
Oh we haven’t been out of touch for any animosity. My dad is a bit too relaxed when it comes to keeping in touch though. We have a good relationship and have recently started speaking on the phone more regularly. I guess it’s just hard when I live interstate for him to see me very often.
I’m actually having a good day. I am warm and content and just thinking things over. But enough about me, how are you doing today? By the way, leaving an imprint crossed my mind but there’s better ways to solve things.