You’re never too old to go back to school

I finished getting my AA degree in 2023 when I was 62 years old. I had started school in 1985. I took classes in person in 1984-1985 and stopped then resumed in 1990-1995. I stopped again and then started taking online classes in 2011 when I was 50 and finished my degree by taking one class at a time until I graduated in 2023. I even went to the graduation ceremonies which involved a few hours of sitting among the 400 other graduates then walking on stage and having my diploma handed to me and my picture taken with the president of the college. The diploma looks good on my wall.


It’s great that you persisted.

I can’t handle the stress with studying.

I feel too old anyways. I’ll be 42 on Sunday! Time flies.


Thats determination right there. Thats awesome man


You are a hero @77nick77

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