I got an A in my class!

In my math class, the last class I needed for my Associates degree. I barely squeaked by, I got a 90.5% for the quarter, it all came down to the final. I got 62.5 out of 70 on my final paper, A couple points less and I would have got a B for the class instead of an A. By the way, for the people who think they’re too old to go to school, I’m 61 years old! I started college in 1983. (two years after an 8 month hospitalization). I attended college in person from 1990-95 and then stopped, and then started taking online classes in 2010 and finished my degree with online classes. I graduated! I’m so happy!


Congrats Nick! I’m happy for you.

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Congratulations matey. Well done and very impressed by your application and getting it done.

You’ve been an example to us all and would like to say well done to you!

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Thanks @roxanna

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Thanks @rogueone!


Good job man thats impressive!


Thanks @LevelJ1.

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Congrats, buddy! I’ve been wanting to go back to school


Congratulations @77nick77 Hard work and perseverance pays off!

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Congrats man!

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Congratulations Nick on getting your degree.

Your hard work and perseverance payed off!

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Congratulations @77nick77 thats amazing what you have done !!! Kudos to you !!!

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Congrats! On a job well done

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Nicely done @77nick77! :+1: :dizzy:

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Well done @77nick77 , you’re an inspiration!


Awesome stuff!!!

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Way to go! 1515

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Congrats for the achievement Nick!

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Congratulations!!! That’s awesome!

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