You know you're schizo... when

you know you are schizo


you think the computer camera is recording you


I look into the mirror.

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…When you start to make anagrams and deciphering the code on peoples usernames on


when you just don’t care about brushing your teeth


When you’re sure that people are watching you and everything you do through all your windows and you’re only safe in your room with the curtains closed.


You are overly attached to the voice inside you head

When everyone in a crowded room are sending each other telepathic messages about you, and the messages are all evil.

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here’s a good one. get some extra vaseline to help stretch your lips because you’re about to laugh hard.

you know you’re schizo when… (get ready for it)

the doctor diagnoses you as having schizophrenia.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I laughed so hard that I ripped my lip! I didn’t put enough vaseline on it.

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is this supposed to be funny?!

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When a jamaican voice channels through your brain in your garage: “Yah, you can trust him der mon, he only show you what you be needin dat is all. He show dem bad ting so dat you can become good mon.”

And then you begin laughing even though no one is there.

And the tree across the street yields a well detailed face made of light, shadow, and matter. The tree program i call it, it’s put into the seeds to do this, it grows perfectly so that it draws things out of light, shadow, and matter.

The jamaican voice continues to be implanted in your mouth and is forced out: “You no be worryin none bout dem, yah maketh all mon, day dem der have a der path and you der have yours. No be worryin none mon, justice will come. Dem der devil, he maka dem to, he maketh all mon, they not be gettin away wit no ting. It all just him and his plan mon, he puttin it all togedder to make ah eberybody good.”

And then voices start explaining how resurrection works again.

Does that help?


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