You know what really grinds my gears?

Public services in Portugal.

They just don’t work properly. It’s all about making money, no care about the client/consumer/benefitiary.

I always had problems with most of Internet and TV providers. Double bills, bad service, bad technology all together.

Now they scammed my mom, telling her she should do an upgrade on the tv service, with a new box, all new and better. Bullcrap! The new box sucks, you can’t pause a show, when you press play it jumps the amount of time you paused. The image freezes once every week, we have to reboot the box. They said it would only cost one euro more, it actually costs 30euros more.

At least the internet is good.

Now we’re trying to reverse the package to the old one, and they’re cause trouble, saying we didn’t request it in time (when we did).

Ugh. Rant over.

Man, I’m sorry to hear that Minnii.

And don’t get me started on the IRS and Social Security, that’s a problem I need to take care of sooner rather than later and they have no intention of helping me solve it :angry:

Thanks Sharpii.

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I couldn’t know that developed nations have similar problems. Anyway, they are still doing better than developing nations.

True, I should be more grateful that I have an internet connection. Not thrilled on being robbed to have it though.


Sounds like a big a headache Minnii, here in the US we have quite a lot of options when it comes to the internet and technology.

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I was expecting a family guy quote. Oh well.

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i got a new modem a few days ago so i have a spare modem, they sent it to me for free.

but everyone in the uk needs a tv license, idk about other countries but its a lot of money and it only pays for bbc tv i think, apparently if its online you dont need to pay but i dont believe that.

cable companies all over the world screw over their customers. our cable service charged us an extra 100 dollars when they added a bunch of channels we didn’t order.


They sucks all over the world. They are outdated companies.


It’s good to vent. It’s the same everywhere though. By that I mean all around the world. Take what you can. Work out what’s best for you with what’s available. All you can really control is yourself. It’s much better then it was that’s for sure.

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I run into incompetent customer service people all the time. It makes me angry, it’s my pet peeve.


Thanks guys, I know it’s the same everywhere. I’m sorry we all have to go through this.
And @moonlee is right, they’re outdated!

This is the reason why adulting sucks, beurocracy and we try to be responsible but they don’t help.

So, update, we got a hold of a seamingly proefficient support center employee and it seems the situation is going to be resolved sooner rather than later. After about 6 or 7 calls, we landed a good one! Yay, being grateful for the blessing here.

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