You know what it is don't you? Children scare me

I’ve been voicing the difficulties I have with dealing with children. I just discovered why. They scare me. One never knows what they are going to do - or say.

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I hear ya. They scare me a bit too. A lot of them anyway

I have difficulties being around most children.

A man who is intense and sometimes hysterical etc is in my body a lot and he hates children.
Can’t stand being around them.

I do not think I believe all children are innocent and good.

Some were born as they were born…

I have lived children and I used to get up around five am to feed my brother.

Then they ate my energy perhaps and I was pale and looked malnourished I had pink flesh nipples and yellow bubbly puss on my cheeks.

I once held a baby of my x boyfriends brothers baby and we were alone for a moment and I loved the baby and even made it laugh.

I used to make one of my brothers in Sweden laugh a lot when he was a toddler but then I was too messed up.

I believe in miracles so I may have a son that miraculously survived and I gave him to a woman so she could raise him so he would survive and my spirit had to save him with great technology and miracles.

I would of loved to have children with my body and person but I think I have children in spirit.
With my energy spirit and aura and possibly :eyes: eyes.

A little girl came here and I had to avoid her and go to another room.

They can be manipulative and horrid.
Not so innocent :innocent: perhaps.

I want my own children but I have no ovaries cause they were removed.

I feel uncomfortable around most people but specially around most children.

A precious few I could be :sunglasses: cool with.

I pray for my child and once I said “are our children safe” despite that I was in agony.
Me having s brave moment is a miracle too cause I am a pussy😼.

I have kids and tbh sometimes they scare me too…

I hate children!! mostly because I’m scared and angered by them but also because I’m super jealous I’m not a child anymore. A screaming/crying child is quite a trigger for me, usually I start screaming back haha. They always stare at me too. Thank god I can just never have kids.

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