Relatable. It’s part delusion maybe but also down to low confidence in self. It’s similar for me, but I assume or act as though it’s not real which keeps it at bay mentally.
I always feel like in good company having a nice normal conversation with someone they explode in anger at any given moment
I have this thing where I have to hang up the phone fast as I get paranoid that I might hear the person being rude about me.
I try my hardest to be nice and a good person, but it doesn’t seem to matter to other people.
all those who I knew, and now don’t see my name as being dragged through the mud due to how I used to behave as a teenager on drugs, and now a ■■■■■■■ Schizo
Most people I know don’t hate me, but I do hate myself sometimes.
i think it’s normal for people to dislike each other. when ‘he hate me,’ i think, oh, you too.
You have us.
Surely we are all mates.
In a way.
What’s happening with the girl you were seeing?
You stopped seeing her I think.
Is she still having your baby?
I felt hated by everyone in Sweden because I was hated there most of the time.
I had periods of feeling attacked in Australia too even.
Not badly like in Sweden but nasty enough for me to feel it.
I feel some people might hate me but I definitely don’t feel hated by everyone anymore.
I feel loved enough right now.
When I was psychotic I thought Everyone hated me.
When I was not psychotic and a child too. N mostly hated as a teen in Onsala too.
@anon10648258 I think I can do very well in Korea in terms of relationships with people and I think you can do
so as well. You wrote that many older people play Janggi. And the younger dislike it and ostracize
But I think you didn’t really try it. I bet you are not a registered player at the Korean Janggi association
and never tried to participate in competitions.
In my estimate if you learn the rules of Janggi and improve as a player it will help you find friends
and it will command the respect of your peers, both young and old, in Korea.
Your feelings of the whole world hating you could be psychosis in the form of paranoia. It was for me. And in my case, it went away with an increase in the AP Seroquel.
Short version - baby wasnt mine. And she was just after my council flat.
I’ve thought I was widely hated before, but I never thought everyone hated me.
Glad she didn’t succeed.
I’m suprised how bad people can be.
That was awful of her.
I’m sorry that happened to you.
Hope you will meet someone genuine , honest and loving who courts you.
Maybe someone who courts you even.
I wouldn’t mind getting courted either.
I have been courting my x boyfriend.
Buying him gifts and stuff but he hasn’t even said a word about my last email nada.
I give to him unconditionally because I’m a fan of his and love him.
Dont sell yourself short over a bloke. if hes not reciprocating - move on.
Me? Im staying ruddy single! lol.
The real audience is you reflected in your voices and I imagine your voices represent people who harshly judged you before. At least that’s my guess as I don’t know what causes this crap any more than anyone else. I’ll just tell you that I’ve been there and it takes years to improve (but it is likely to do so).
Yes i do.but i m not sure if its because my delusion or political environment or political polarization or just because of me.things are too messy right now.
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