Does everyone hate you?

I get it, I think. That feeling of constant doubt, constant fear, that everyone hates you, everything you say and try to do is wrong, and everyone just wants you to go away forever.

My angels watch me and judge, and the dead try to turn me against people, isolate me. It’s not fun.

I want to tell everyone that you’re not alone in that feeling, I’ve heard a few people discuss it the same.

We like you, you have a place here, and you belong. I’m sorry you feel this way. I don’t know if it will ever pass, but wish you all some clarity. Clarity to see yourself for the beautiful person you truly are. To see the love in your life.

I’ve got to tell myself similar things from time to time, least I believe the thoughts and voices.



Thanks, @Ooorgle!!! I appreciate this post.


People hate me because I complain about the sick things they do. But in private. Do they have esp?

I don’t think so, I think you’re suffering right now from an illness. Please take your medication as prescribed, and talk to your doctor about these thoughts

I feel that way. I always grasp something that other people do not.

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I know this one guy I get really bad vibes off him… It makes me real uncomfortable. Wish he cud just tell me wat my problem is!

And we like you too :upside_down_face:


Yeap, me too I think it often… I even had no insight on this for long. Me too I try to change my thinking now…I never had voices, but to have thoughts like this, is not better… I was clearly lacking a rational thinking on this. Lets fight, yes!!!

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Thank you for this post. It’s very sweet of you.

I know I feel this way sometimes. Today, I’m good, but I might not be in an hour or tomorrow.

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Someone on Facebook told me that I’m “that cousin that no one likes.” Things like that and being relentlessly bullied for nearly my whole life have made me think everyone hates me. I know I probably shouldn’t care but it still hurts and I still view myself as a good person and wonder why it’s always been so hard for me to make and keep friends.


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