pretty pleased with myself that i managed to do a little shopping, have got some nice supplies in my place now woootttt lol
Nice one @daydreamer! You must feel chuffed.
lol daydreamer, I haven’t seen you post in a few days. now I know why. either you were shopping or I was sleeping.
i do, normally its a nightmare getting stuff in and i’m always worried about what i’m going to get next but today was easier for some reason, i went to tesco and had a drink in the cafe then got some things and then got a few more things on the way back, i am lucky the stores are so near my flat, i also got a few things in a waitrose couple of days ago bc they gave me a £25 voucher to spend that was hard to do but my friend was with me then, but today i was just alone.
That’s ace man. My parents get all my shopping, or I get an Asda delivery.
I get my grocery shopping delivered , and this week , I didn’t even have the energy to do that! I’ll arrange for a Monday delivery over the weekend as I’m feeling better now.