I dont really read anymore I used to but now I don’t have the concentration to read. I also now see my name repeatedly in books and it gives me alot of anxiety
I find it difficult to read too now. I cant stay on a book for more than a few mins. 20 max. But I leave the book open as a epub on my phone. Just keep coming back to it when I got nothing better to do. They take many months to finish but it’s worth it.
When I read books nowadays, I find the characters seem to think the same thoughts I do. I wonder if the authors were schizophrenics too. Ofcourse fantasy books do have a lot of crazy personas.
Maybe you could just write your memoirs. It’s very popular right now.
@Slothlover I’m trying to find ways to spend my time these days. I used to be a programmer so logic used to be my forte but I had to give that path up after I realized I would no longer be working. I’m trying to break into creativity but it’s difficult. Having a study buddy would help me greatly in staying focused. Do you have any interest in learning art using computer apps for free? We could help each other out and share creations in this forum.
What did you study in college? and work as?
I got my degree in early childhood education and almost a degree in theology.
I worked for a small religious business as a resource specialist.
I’m not really an artistic kind of person. The only time I am is when I’m having a really bad day and draw in my journal
@Slothlover I’m not really artistic either. But I’m trying to learn. I dont like drawing on paper cos fixing mistakes is not easy. But with an app you can just hit the Undo button! No pressure though.
Here’s a pic of a flower I drew from imagination. I try not to use reference images and I draw with a mouse.
While a study buddy would be nice, I’m just happy having you and the other folks on this forum as plain ole buddies cos I’m so lonely. I live in a state in India where I dont speak the language, there’s nothing near, none of my buddies even email me anymore, I’m not allowed to use the phone and my family refuses to talk about my sz.
@anon78876561 You have studied theology academically? I’ve done it more as a hobby. I come from a Christian family but my folks let me choose my own path as an youth. They refuse to discuss the topic with me now since they believe it triggers my sz. Yet I’ve found paths like Taoism extremely useful in dealing with my sz. I tried reading the Koran but found it too filled with hate. The first surah even had a bit where it said that god has closed the eyes of unbelievers and they will be be punished for it! But it also talks a lot about Jesus while the Bible doesnt even mention Mohammed.
I find the Bible New Testament a good book but the Old Testament is filled with a lot of hate and the beginning 5 books are just a copy of the Torah. Atheists are rarely able to attack the New Testament. I believe the Jefferson Bible by Thomas Jefferson is a better version to follow.
We are not supposed to discuss religion on this site. I will have to back away from your post. @Ninjastar
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