Let's write a book in this thread

Just say what’s on your mind related to your sz. We can publish this whole thread into a book. I won’t include this op in the book (or will I? :ghost:) But make it about your struggles, your successes. The book will read like the forum. I will call it “A schizophrenic conversation”. Similar to the say anything thread but we will publish it into a book. Then we will donate all proceeds to schizophrenic research!!! What do y’all say?!?!?!

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Today I woke up to the sounds of my air conditioner whispering to me that it wasn’t going to put up with me being so lazy and disgusting. I quickly took my PRN haldol and got in the bath to wait for it to kick in. Not the kind of morning I was hoping for, but with my insomnia getting worse it’s getting more and more common.

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I had two disabled babies, and very proud of them and my parenting, and finishing school.

I was so excited about getting a good career.

I didn’t want to think I was different than anyone else.

Then, I was, very gradually, losing my mind.

I’ve been on meds ever since.

(thanks, Jon)


I’m pretty stable schizophrenia wise… No symptoms, no delusions or hallucinations. My OCD is a pain, though. Took me a long while to make the distinction in my head of what was the schizophrenia and what was the OCD, for a long time I thought I was a bad person for having disturbing intrusive thoughts. Now, with the help from my therapist, I can believe I’m a good person that sufferes with several mental illnesses. Not all days are walks in the park, but I’m better now and on my way to be even better.


I think this is a very good idea. Because we are survivors and some very happy creative people.
My two cents would be for the negative symptoms. It only takes about 15 minutes to do any cleaning or otherwise task. So get to it.

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I am stable as well but last night I was feeling completely hopeless. I’ve always wanted to be a musician or writer because I felt my schizophrenia or bipolar sparks creativity but now I’m doubting my music and writing. I just think it’s no good. Tomorrow I will apply at the movie theater though just trying to live more naturally and worry less.

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Seems like most of us just want to get on with our lives. I think that’s a story that should be told.

That’s a good contribution to the story we all have to tell! Although some people are at different stages in their recovery. I learn from stable people, unstable people, old people, young people, etc… There’s a lot to be learned from all people, especially schizophrenics!

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Do you think ocd is a symptom of schizophrenia or seperate disorders? Because it seems we almost all have ocd! I read in a book that ocd is more of a symptom of our affliction then a seperate diagnosis! But I reckon all doctors would handle it differently! nd ps you’re not a bad person!!! Ever!!! Mental illness doesn’t make you a bad person!!


I’m going for a walk in the woods right now and I just saw a buck! Although he was small, he had the antlers!

Wish I could could walk in the woods again. To scared.

It’s a different disorder, but comorbidity is common in mental illness. Yes, a lot of us have it. :slight_smile: Thank you :heart:

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Just bought a book on cbt., maybe we could talk about it hete.