Wake up soitgoes, etc…
Labor Day hangover?
Things seem a little flat
If I wasn’t on meds I’d go out and get p****
Excuse me Shellys12???
What time is …wherever you are?
It is 4.35 pm
I am waiting to go out for pizza
1135 I’m at work it’s dead here too but almost lunchtime . I’m on my itouch
Lol I thought u meant ud go out for pussy…oh lol.
No! I meant go out get drunk
Hello @turningthepage what you doing today?
Where are you working?
I’m waiting for my school mentor in the coffee shop.
I work for my dad but he’s selling the business and retiring so need a new job soon. I should enjoy it while it lasts. It’s easy.
I also volunteer Saturdays at a nature place. I feed and clean animals cages and stuff
That’s awesome. Lol I feel like a parasite listening to what you do.
Where you been man?
Why would you think that, that’s just weird.
Just hiding from you…