I don’t think I like the idea.
It doesn’t suit me.
I don’t think I like the idea.
It doesn’t suit me.
I’ve thought about this a lot and I definitely wouldn’t want to be famous.
There’s always someone out there who will dislike you for it and want to harm you.
no i dont want to be famous, but i would love to be wealthy.
if i was famous, i would like to think i would be a man of the people. living in a small town, and knowing everyone in town, getting into conversations when i go to town. wouldnt want to hide away in my castle haha.
I can’t imagine enjoying fame. I’d be so stressed out.
Definitely no for me.
I’m actually kinda frightened of it.
A guy told me in basic training that I was going to be famous one day lol!
Hopefully more for my art if anything.
I would like my work to be famous one day,
But I wouldn’t like to be famous myself.
There’s a lot of pressure there I don’t want.
No. I would just like to be wealthy.
I’ve known the roar of an excited audience and it required me hours to unwind from the occurrence. Fame is really for only a very few people. If sincerity and humility are your features, it could come as a good thing, though.
Even the idea of planning or hoping to become famous would be debilitating to my development
Absolutely not.
Wouldn’t bother me in the slightest.
I barely go out anywhere.
If it came with doing something actually useful and it helped in some way, great.
All this desperation for money and attention from people on these celebrity get me out of here type programs misses the point if nothing is done with the platform other than skank money off people for an easier life.
The whole point is to be an example for other people - especially the younger people coming through the ranks.
Those who come through it with a scrap of morality left and the above qualities have my respect - as often they have earned it.
Guess the short answer is no to cheaply earned fame.
I wouldn’t want to be famous. People prop famous people up so high that when they fall, they fall hard.
Plus people always staring at you and also how would you know who your real friends are?
I would like to be famous depending on what I’ve done. I’d like to be famous for starting a company that invented some sort of new innovation that the everyday person uses. I wouldn’t want to be famous for something dreadful or negative such as assassinating a head of state or be the worst at a position in a league of prestigious men.
I wouldn’t want a lot of media attention I’m not very skilled at making conversation and probably couldn’t manage publicity very well. I thought they were mocking me in the radio programs here for a bit and that was also stressful. I don’t want every action to be scrutinized publicly.
Famous ppl nearly have no private life. When one is having a baby, the whole world knows. I don’t like that, I prefer my private life.
I would rather be rich than famous
There were a few times where I thought I was famous (delusion) and it was not a good experience.
Same here. Just live off interest and have multiple streams of income like those people on youtube lol…
There’s more to life than being rich and famous.
The more wealth and fame one has the bigger the problems.