Would you guys pass up a vacation?

I have a vacation paid for down south. Driving from the East coast to the South. I don’t want to go. Too crazy of a city. I don’t want to have symptoms there and really freak the F out. Would you guys go if you were me?


Personally I would not. :rabbit2::rabbit2::rabbit2:

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Some people I’m going with probably wouldn’t mind, it’s just my bf I have to get through to

I wouldn’t go either. I don’t travel well at all.

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I would travel well if it we’re just me and him

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I don’t think I’d want to visit a large busy city. I’d get very stressed.

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If you arnt feeling comfortable with it, don’t go.
I find it best to err on the side of caution

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I would absolutely go if I knew I would have fun. I went to Iceland by myself for 10 days last year and it was the most fun thing I’ve ever done. I was a bit worried at first but the excitement > fear. If I wasn’t at all excited for the trip then I wouldn’t have gone.


Don’t go. Being unsure is a sympthom of likely distress. I advise you against it.

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Not if you aren’t in the right frame of mind to go because the stress could make your symptoms really bad

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I think I am going to stay home at night and just go out during the day. At night is when I get the most symptomatic. Definitely not going to a bar. I know uncertainty can be a sign of distress, but right b4 my vacation in 2016, I had a psychotic break where I ended up in the ER and I thought my bf was going to kill me on vacay and put my body somewhere on the way home. So I freaked out, we almost broke up. So this is a pattern. Staying home at night would be good

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i just turned down a couple trips. one in march with family. and another at the end of this month. would have liked to have gone to my niece’s hs graduation party at the end of the month. but i had to pay for my plane trip and decided i’d rather have the extra money to spend than go. also i don’t like to fly. so i’ll be sitting home alone again at the end of the month for a week.

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Sorry to hear that, it sucks fearing stuff and feeling uncomfortable

I never flew nor will I ever

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I like to travel but it is stressful if you don’t have your symptoms under control. I don’t always like to drive personally in a new place. Fear of getting lost. But there is lot to see out there and to see how the other guy does it is interesting. Do you feel secure with who you are going with and ‘their’ driving? @Winterblues .

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Yes I feel secure. When there are crowds I feel like people are reading my mind, or I don’t know how to act normal. When 10pm hits I start going downhill and my whole personality changes too

Do you go to bed at 10? seems like it would be a good idea. I did when I worked. Can someone you are with put those feelings to rest easily for you? if not I wouldn’t go. Those feelings are such a bother, aren’t they?

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I would say it all depends how stable you are. If you can do it then I would because vacations are where you can form slot of good memories. Don’t let yourself miss out on life because of an unfounded fear.

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I take my meds at 11 and sometimes I fall asleep at 1 or 3-4 sometimes not at all. It’s hard to be on a schedule when sleep just walks away from me but then when I want to stay out I go cuckoo

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Lack of sleep is destabilizing. I used to take 100 mg serequel and 5 mg Ativan at night to go to sleep. It did the trick. You might want to look into a combo like this

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I ate a whole bag of potato chips in one sitting on Seroquel haha :sweat_smile: