Would you agree that you havent got a clue what schizophrenia is like if all you know is what you read on the internet and a few books that youve read…sz is a complex illness and a book is not going to make you an expert nor the internet. I know what i read on the net about sz bugger all potrays what the illness is like in reality
I have schizophrenia, read about it, and still have no clue what it’s like for others at least. Until I walk in their shoes. Truly.
I find a lot of what I read about schizophrenia vs my personal experience with it are not totally in sync. The stuff you read is mostly by “experts” who observe and study the disease, but haven’t experienced it.
The “experts” write a lot of theory based on their observations and conjecture, they have no practical experience in that they have not been in a psychotic state themselves. It reminds me of the old quote…
“In theory there is no difference between theory and practice, in practice there is”.
I guess schizophrenia caused by some of the grandeur thoughts. So the portion of thought process that produces it, imbalance the mind. If there is a system to protect this Grandeur than schizophrenia doesn’t cause illness. Problem is that general mind doesn’t has that capacity of it. Grandeur mind generates a system to protect himself and it is the cure.
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