Worried about partner's stress

i am a little worried about my partner, she is gonna start working full time at the nursing home. But full time means better benefits plus vacation time. i just fear she will leave me if i cause to much stress for her on top of working at the nursing home. I try to help at home but i feel like i don’t do enough. According to her dad i don’t do enough.

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You’re under so much pressure, @cbbrown. That’s not good for you. I read your other post that said you’re worried your doc might yell at you? Oh no, the doc serves you, not the other way around. There should only be kind, helpful and constructive input from your pdoc. I would make a list of what you would like for the next appointment and go in with a plan and no self condemnation. I recommend a talk with your partner to express your concerns and any changing circumstances and expectations. You sound very supportive, so what more could someone want? You have enough to deal with, so please don’t let anyone bring you down. Are you a terrible person? Don’t let people treat you like you’re terrible when you’re not. :heart:

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And also, I’m so sorry about your mom. She just wants you to be prepared if she has to go. But I hope she beats the cancer! I lost my mom to lung cancer six years ago. I never wanted to talk about her leaving either. You can only do what you can do and no more. Just love her and support her as you can.

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