Mother in law is depressed and its rubbing off on me

She’s been depressed since before she moved in,

But now that we’re talking assisted living facilities,

Its been worse.

She says her hair is falling out because of stress.

I’m doing even more for her than usual and she barely says thank you anymore.

Its getting me down,

I’ve not really had problems with depression in the past, but I’m starting to feel it now.

What do you think?

Is the depression contagious?

You are under a lot of stress @GoldenRex.
Feeling more depressed is bound to happen.
Don’t allow it to fester.
Do you have a therapist you can talk to?

I hope that you start feeling better.
Being a caregiver when you have a mental illness is not easy.

I know what your going through.
I’ve been feeling more stressed out than usual.

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I’m sorry you’ve been feeling more stressed out lately too.

It is hard being a caregiver.

I wish I had a therapist, but mine ghosted me, just disappeared.

So right now I haven’t got one and can’t leave the house to see one anyway.

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She’s manipulating you because she doesn’t want to lose her room service. Tell her she’ll look great in a wig and get back to the conversation where you ship her bum ass off to a third party provider.


I think you’re right.

Don’t worry, she’s not getting out of this assisted living facility thing.

Even my husband is on board, it was his idea.

Its definitely happening.


Maybe it’s time to explain to her that she can go to a nursing home, simply because you a person with a disability, can’t provide for her anymore.


All indications about the MIL are that:

a) She already knows this, and…

b) Doesn’t give a crap.

I have zero tolerance for abusive leeches.


It really irks me when people don’t say thank you and you’ve done something for them. Sometimes even not saying ‘you’re welcome’
This probably has been asked before, but is it not an option for her to be put in a home?

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She is being put in a home,

Its just a multi-step process and its taking some time.


Do let me know if you need help with … expediting … things.




This made me actually laugh out loud.

Thanks, @shutterbug.

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How soon will she be put there?

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I don’t know.

We have to get a referral for it and she’s seeing her doctor next week for that.

I imagine the ball will roll pretty fast after that, but I don’t know,

I’ve never done this before.

We’ll see.


You’re almost on the homestretch! It will be tough for a bit but you can do this!

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It’s going to be especially tough on your husband.

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From your posts about your MIL, I have picked up on something. Your MIL is manipulating you. You’ve done everything possible to help her. It sounds like she may be trying to guilt you out of placing her elsewhere to live.

You’re kind, generous, smart, and tough. I hope you find peace soon.

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It’ll be hard for him, but he knows its our only option.


Thank you.


I’m so glad this is happening and the ball is rolling. Hopefully you can make it out before the depression takes hold.

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If I lived with someone who was depressed and suffocating I would become depressed, too. You are in a bad situation so it’s natural to feel that way. It will improve once she is in a home. I know you can get therapy online in some places, some insurance companies cover that so you can meet with a therapist through facetime or skype from home. Maybe that would be an option for you temporarily? Hugs sent your way. @GoldenRex


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