Word salad

Anyone else saying words that don’t exist (neologisms)? Is it part of word salad?

For example triandafloum ripiperom vlouta vlouta siouseskou plekoram

Gabarou skitzi flio don deleram plekoram I speak and shout like this when I am alone.

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Anyone can help?

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I don’t speak when i’m alone

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i thought it was more to do with when you know what you want to say but it comes out all wrong.


Is it greek language…!!!

It is gibberish


When I was psychotic I sometimes wrote down my thoughts. Generally reading it afterwards I couldn’t understand because it was gibberish, but it was mostly real words that just didn’t make sense together. I think that might be what word salad is


I was also spoke gibberish when psychotic
like mito komiri, komiri kito
I remember this one :wink:
but only to myself and nobody else
I thought it repels ghosts


Today my pdoc raised my dose from 30mgs abilify to 45 saying that the words I make up are part of my madness

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Idk but it sounds delicious :drooling_face: :yum:

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Τριανταφλούμ ριπιπερόμ βλούτα βλούτα
Σιουσέσκου πλεκοράμ πιρπιδόνι ζγκαβαλού σκιουπάσκα ίρζιμε εντ
Πλεκοράμ ζαβαλίσκου στιουτοτόν λοραμζάν

Γκαγκάνα ντιουτοτρόμ ζαπαράσκι το κρουασάν βγήκε από το φούρνο πιρπιδόνι βλούτα βλούτα επειδή τα μαλλιά θέλουν χτένισμα σασκότι τριανταφλούμ ριπιπερόμ διότι ο ήλιος βασιλιάς γκαγκάνα σκόμπι πιρτίσαυρος ξέσα βομπ πιρπιδόνι τριανταφλούμ ζγκαβαλού λοραμζάν

Γκλέγκα καρπαδίσου πρωτογκάλ
Κριαπαλούκ βγάζει βόλτα τα σκυλιά
πλιοράμ ζιουζγκαβάλα σγαμπολεμπόν


Word salad
Triandafloum ripiperom vlouta vlouta siouseskou plekoram pirpidoni zgavalou skioupaska irzime ed plekoram zavaliskou stioutoton loramzan

Gagana dioutotrom zaparaski croissant is out of the oven pirpidoni vlouta vlouta cos the hair needs a haircut saskoti triandafloum ripiperom cos the sun king
Gagana scobi pirtisavros xesa vob pirpidoni
Triandafloum zgavalou loramzan

Glega karpadisou protogal
Kriapalouk he walks the dogs plioram ziouzgavala sgabolebon

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This is true. But it is called thought disorganization.

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Word salad is something I don’t think I have ever had. I’ve always been eloquent.

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this type of madness could be (our brain) trying to explain something we dont understand. i would go with it as long as it doesn’t make me or others uncomfortable or worried. remember that in some cultures the sounds we make are sacred and sometimes have meaning independent of the meanings of words…
it could be your brain working out something


My face is so distorted that young kids are distracted when they look at me. The other day, I was trying to talk to a boy about twelve years old and I could tell he was staring at my injuries and my words would not come out clearly because I sensed his inability to concentrate on what I was saying. I ended the conversation with my question only half answered. It didn’t help any that I had an oxygen tube on my face.:slightly_smiling_face:

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