Winter break! Six weeks of no obligations!

I just took my last final, biology, finished it in thirty minutes, then applied to a Psy D program, my last application.

Now it’s time to stop the nicotine patch and NyQuil! And workout!


I am sure I made an A in all my classes.


You’re ■■■■■■■ machine man :grinning:


Today’s my last day before winter break. We have a board game presentation that we’ve worked really hard on, it looks marvelous. My classmates for the group will evaluate me separately and I hope they don’t slam me, most of the ideas we’ve adopted for the project were mine but I did slack towards the end. Stressed out for this last day, I’ll feel better tonight after it!

I’m almost 100% sure I’ve passed all the classes with good results. :collision:


That’s good news. Keep it up, you’re doing well!

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I’m off Dec 15 to Jan 2nd . Turning off my email and work voice mail :smiley:


I’m off Dev 17 to Jan 25 - good thing I have research to do, or I’d be pacing for 8 hours a day (literally)!


I am about to start pacing around at 6mph around my neighborhood in running shoes. I already can’t take the boredom. My research is being reviewed by the IRB…so until they say yes I am idle.

Great work mortimer. With the drive and determination you’ve showed so far, I’m sure you’ll carve out a good place in life for yourself in the future.

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I have a serious chance at two of the programs I applied to. I am dead set fixated on one of them. And if I don’t get in any of the eight programs, I will become a boxer


:laughing: Omg I’m in :heart:

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The Boxer

"In the clearing stands a boxer and a fighter, by his trade,
And he carries a reminder
Of every glove that laid him low,
or cut him til’ he cried out, in is anger and his shame,
"I am leaving, I am leaving,"
But the fighter still remains…

Simon & Garfunkle

Actually I could picture you doing Mixed Marshall Arts rather than boxing. MMA

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I coulda been a contender. Now I’m just a bum from Palookasville.

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My Final final was today… :relaxed:

I have three weeks of freedom from studying.

Here’s to time off… :coffee:


Only three weeks, so short! I’ve got 5 weeks off as of today! Hooray! I don’t care how I did this semester as long as I passed. This was a tough one mentally and emotionally.


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