Panic has descended

It’s final exam season, y’all. I have 3 more exams to go and one take-home exam to finish by December 24th.

I have a ton of short stories to review and 4 more movies to watch for my screen English class.

I would have hated if the short stories were terrible but they’re honestly enjoyable. I guess I’m meant to be an English major after all. What are you doing to end the week?


That really good to know @anon10648258 .
Just cleaning and decorating home for Christmas.
Most of it is done, some more to go.

That’s great @anon10648258! I’m glad you are doing well!

I’m housecleaning and exercising this weekend.

I just did my yoga. Took almost 40 minutes. I feel great now!

I’m taking two steps backward, to move her forward. Its like a dance, but you get to step on some toes.

Finished my take home exam today!


Congratulations! Enjoy your time off.

It really heartens me to see one of us succeeding in the real world. I know it’s hard, but hang in there.

Good job @anon10648258! How do you think you did?

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