Basically everything in my house needs repair. My dad advised me to call the insurance about a water leak in my house that rotted the floor out. I talked to my insurance company and they said it’s not likely covered because I could’ve fixed the broken faucet before damage was done. Problem is I rarely go into that part of the house so I didn’t know it was leaking. My daughter’s room is back there and she’s not living here bc she’s in college. But I have black mold from where my water heater leaked years ago. The ceiling vents in both my bathrooms leak. I’m gonna have replace both ceilings. I’ve got a hole in my hallway connected to my back door. I really don’t want to live with my dad til all this is fixed. Oh. My bathtub is cracked so water drains onto the floor instead of outside. I haven’t bathed in two days just to keep it dry as possible. Part of my drywall in my bedroom needs repaired. So the insurance adjuster has to come out and look at my bathroom floor. I’m afraid when he sees everything he’s gonna condemn my house. I’ll stay in a hotel if I have to.
I don’t know that an insurance adjuster has the ability to condemn your house.
I really doubt it.
Sounds like you’ve got a lot to fix and it’s smart to see what insurance will cover first before you start doing repairs on your own.
It won’t help you now but I recommend a home warranty. I have always had one and it covers most repairs.
Good luck
You must be really stressed out about all of this. I think @GoldenRex is right about the adjuster not being the one to condemn your house. Plus it doesn’t sound to the point of being condemnable. You’ll just see what the adjuster says and then go from there and make a plan for getting the items fixed one at a time. I know it probably feels overwhelming. But you can do it one step at a time, and then all the pressure will be off you and it will finally all be taken care of. Then you’ll feel really good.
I agree with Leaf that you should do one thing at a time. Just make plumbing one thing. It’s cheaper to have a plumber out to do several things in one trip than to have him come out several times for one thing each time.
Also, always try to negotiate some. Offer to buy your own supplies or take stuff apart. They will not want you to and may come down on the price a little to stop you lol
Haha . Thanks a lot!!! I own a mobile home. It has a vin number so it’s kinda like owning a car.
Get some tar for putting around the vents on the roof. Bleach will help black mold. You’ll have to do stuff a little at a time but putting it off is going to make your home unlivable.
Yeah. I understand. I no doubt have to get it done. My dad says he’ll fix stuff around my house but he’s always busy. My uncle used to have a guy who did all his handy work but he’s hasn’t replied yet. I don’t even use the bathroom that got flooded.
The leaking ng bathtub crack can be fixed with flexseal. I used it in my shower.
Shop around for a good, reliable contractor. Word of mouth is a good way to get one who you can trust. But get estimates from several before choosing one to do the work.
And mold can really cause health problems.
@77nick77 @anon4362788 @GoldenRex @TomCat @Leaf @Alice
Thanks all. I don’t know a lot of things. My dad who I think has ADD has taken his time fixing my stuff. I’m not mad I know he’s busy but I really need to deal with this stuff. But if I say that I’m gonna call a contractor he’s like “Why pay someone when I can fix it?”
He told me 7 years ago that he was going to build me a front porch. That’s why I think he has ADD.
Get things fixed one step at a time @Loke
Black mold is unhealthy.
Maybe your Dad can help you get the ball rolling?
I’ll try and ask him. It’s his property so I won’t bring a handy man on his land without his permission. If he could just patch the hole in my hallway floor for starters. I’ve got a slab of wood covering it now.
Drywall mud and sand paper are cheap. If the hole in the wall isnt too large, it’s simple to fix yourself. Get a kit, slap some mud on it, let it dry, sand, and add a little more mud if needed. As someone who’s cut holes in her house looking for imaginary bugs, I can tell you it’s easier to fix than you think.
That’s very useful. Thank you
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