Will my family survive this situation or will we all hate each other and never talk again?

I already don’t talk to the bulk of my extended family.

But we are now and have always been super close with just one of my aunts and children (my cousins, obviously).

One of my cousins is at a crossroads.

He’s in his mid 20s, never left home, and has quit several jobs over things like “having to stand up too long” and such.

It has been his life long dream to break into film and direct.

Unlikely, but we all have a “perfect world” career.

Since the strikes have been over my sister has been back to work.

Most of you know she works in film.

Her show started back up this month and she’s in the process of hiring her PAs.

It was asked of her to offer one of the PA positions to our cousin.

She did and he declined.

Same thing happened a few years ago in NY so she didn’t expect him to say yes anyway.

Well, now he wants the job and is excited about it.

(It’s likely his parents are encouraging it)

My sister is nervous now.

She’s not the nicest in even family situations.

I know for fact that on set she’s a bruiser.

Not fun, but she has built a career on being tough.

She called him and told him straight up all the horrible parts of the job.

It’s a severe environment where little screw ups have major consequences.

He’s going to work an illegal amount of hours and be on his feet the whole time.

His boss is going to be three years younger with five more years of experience than him.

And she’s not nice either.

She told him he can afford to mess up once.

If he becomes an issue two times,

She’ll replace him.

No questions asked.

Everyone seems to agree this is a good plan.

(His parents included)

I feel like I know our family well enough to say it is not a good plan.

She’s going to fire him and feelings will be hurt.

I hope he steps up and does a good job.

It’s a golden opportunity that was kind of unfairly given to him.

Just scared for the fallout.

Has anyone ever seen family employ other family and had it be successful?


What an internship. This should be a ■■■■■■■ script


I’ve worked in my moms business during my college years. It was underpaid. It worked out for several years until I graduated and could get better jobs.

I think it can work out in normal circumstances. But the business you’re describing sounds so tough that the odds are slim to say the least.


Why put him in a position he is destined to fail.

You guys know him.

You guys know her.

Will it really work after the description.

Plus the high profile jobs on the line (hers and his). Sounds like a bad idea.

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I agree it’s a bad idea.

But she did explain, without holding back anything, the situation to her department head.

The department head agreed it would probably not go well but told her she could hire him.

I think she’s at very limited risk of hurting her own career.

She’ll fire him way before that happens.

She’s heartless.

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I’ve never seen this “officially” done in my family. But I have worked off the books for my ex brother in law doing electrical work. Actually plan on doing it again soon on one of his houses.

It has worked out mostly well, but there is kind of a balance going on there, because it seriously saving him a lot of money by having me do it as opposed to contracting an electical company to do it. So the employer/employee dynamic is quite different than normal. I don’t need to do the work and don’t need the money, so it’s kind of a favor for me to do it.


My sister and I are old millennials.

Love Kanye.


Whatever weird ■■■■ is to come will be forgiven and forgotten.

He’s a massive talent and will always be a god to our age group.


He might not be made for the cut to be in this industry.

Maybe this will give him the opportunity to say i tried.

At least he would see behind the curtains its cut throat.

Same with working in fashion / graphic design / advertising it sounds great

But its a dirty business

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Not to derail but I think Kanye is suffering a very real identity crisis- throughout his entire life. While producing and designing. He’s a trip


I think current Kanye is having a mental health crisis.

I think old Kanye was better at coping with those mental health issues.

But not that well.

You could see the crazy beaming from behind his human suit since he came on the scene.


He was with Kim… I think that is insane he was clearly insane
And he loves his child(ren) I donno enough about it
Plus the face masks

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Remember when he said “George Bush hates black people” on live TV?

He’s just insane now,

But then, the craziness was totally on brand and had been thought out.

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I thought he said america hates black people

It was dope by the way.
Haiti has been raped by our nation and that Hollywood telethon was bs

Edit I confused two events and may have dementia from age

The program was for Hurricane Katrina, I think and I’m also pretty sure he called out George Bush specifically.

Now I have to look it up.

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You are correct :100:

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I’m sorry! I mixed it up with the haiti crisis
It’s a long time ago

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Mike Myers face is priceless.

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I also didn’t mean to post that haha fu ck

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