Will I stay in bed until I die?

I am tired of staying in bed all day everyday…90% of my time I am in bed, 10% eating and going to the bathroom. Feels like I am in a coffin all the time.


Just wait and see what happens


I guess my only option is to wait for my death and see what happens after death.

If you can get up to go to the toilet you can stay up.

There is only so long before you get totally fed up with laying in bed all the time.

Time to get up Aziz…


yea you gotta try to get a routine i think. I get up same time every morning and i take my meds then have breakfast and i watch something on tv. Then it’s time for lunch and meds and after lunch i always watch a movie, then i spend some time on the computer and have din dins. Then it’s time for meds again and i listen some music and browse the forum here. Then i start watching evening tv (news and soap) and i have my meds, then some more tv and then sleeping when i crash cause of evening meds.

I notice the routine helps me. I also go for a 1.5 hours walk every week.


I cant watch tv or walk. Rarely I watch Netflix Family Guy in my bed. News and horror triggers me, most movies/tv shows are boring for me, they make me sleep.


ah yea, that sucks. I watch a lot of tv and it’s part of my routine. Can you go for a walk? Maybe that will make your mind clearer, like with getting some nice outside air. I can’t go for walks alone cause i’m scared all the time but i go with my dad instead.


I can take my pills but cant walk. Sometimes I walk in the house for a few minutes. I have no energy to walk more or walk outside.


What did you do with your time before diagnosis?

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I was at university and going to the gym 1-2x/day and hanging out with friends everyday. I also had a part time job on the weekend. Sz destroyed and killed me.


The only time I walk is when I drink my morning coffee, its a few minutes and in the house. I cant have more than 1 cup of coffee/day as it makes me irritable, nervous and agitated/angry.

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My pdoc said take baby steps. 1 pushup 1 min of walking then take a break. Repeat throughout the day as many times as you can. Then increase those pushups and walking time . The hard part is just forcing these baby steps until they become routine.


I was in the same position like you. But it changed. Don’t lose hope


Make a daily routine and follow it strictly without fail. Waiting for motivation to come with this disease is deadly as motivation never comes and even if it come it not come consistently every time this is why making a routine is must to get consistent results every day.

Writing from the experience of living with negative symptoms for over 20 years.


@anon39239665 @pr21

Baby steps and routine dont work as I cant even maintain these, no motivation.

not sure if i’ve ever seen a person with such bad negative symptoms


I think I am the worst here regarding negative symptoms but at least my positive symptoms are 90% gone. I think positive symptoms are worse than negative symptoms in my case.

Are you punishing yourself? Like with solitary confinement?

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Everytime before you go online force yourself to do the baby steps. Make going online a reward for yourself for doing a little activity. The only way to go online is to first do the pushups and walk.


No I am not. Thats just how I became since sz. Its severe sz negative symptoms. Dr tried tons of meds, nothing worked.