Will I lose my SSi (disability) if

The truth is, on my Facebook, August 31st, I stated that I felt like my SZ was going into remission - that SZ felt conquerable. Then, I get my inject on Sept. 2nd, now I feel like utter crass, heavily lethargic, pain sensors shooting off in the left brain hemisphere and overall severely dysfunctional.

Tomorrow is going to be a big day for me. I establish lots of new territory out there. Gotta sign up for a new therapist & speak with my case manager.

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Well good luck. I really hope stopping the injections stops the pain. That is one hell of a side effect!

Some are fine off meds. I ignore a lot of people who are part-time psychotic and will treat psychotic strangers rudely (thought broadcasters). Whole churches here had the part-time psychotics due to sex abuser group here who caused voices. These turned to churches for healing/voices stoop but the churches demand the members go out to preach stalk to strangers on disability checks after mental care. You need to be able to ignore this stuff without a response or you could end up back in the mental hospital on forced psych hold at your own expense for getting angry. If you ever try to give your mental care any constructive criticism, you could end up in mental hospital on psych hold. As long as you do not have a caseworker, you just quit using the shrink there buy canceling next appointment and chose which direction you want to go.

In my case, I did not have relief with meds either, just hundred pounds of side effects. I get harassed quite a bit in my city by the thought broadcasters I described earlier. I switched over the therapy for 2 years to reduce my weight without using meds. I lost 90 lbs in 11 months just walking, use of ambien to sleep as my first mental care complaint was insomnia and South Beach diet. I used therapy for 2 years but can tell you it is disgustingly disappointing. The therapists here are LMSW (social workers) who only can offer no coping information, tell you everything is delusional and only act when you need intervention. You really need to adjust your expectations for lowest possible expectation, maybe not even voices stopping but you can use the therapy as a get-out-of-jail card if you should ever get locked up in the mental hospital. These forced mental hospitalizations usually result from pissing off your mental care team or having any contact with police if you complain about trespassing, vandalisms, stalking sometimes from the lovely Christians who went over to the church to be healed. No kidding, expect any kind of deviant behavior from anyone, even use their job on you or mess up their employer. Things are tough all around except for the wealthy and comfortable middle class who are most likely to call you mentally ill, verbally harass you or screw you over which is why some victims prefer to return to previous friend they knew were okay using Facebook or avoid these groups of people who will take advantage of a person. Dating can be VERY problematic in some places where the older males just eventually snap due to the harsh level of mental abuse present there and workplace stressors, they will mess up any women they come into contact with for a little relief from the voices.

Do you have a situation like this? I met a woman who is sex victim who was introducing around her sex abuser immediately to new women so she wouldnā€™t have to handle him any more. She scared the women bad, then let him have them to do with whatever he could force. The family has lots of money so no need to work, so they are really full-time abuser running around doing whatever to anyone until he wins a submission. Cops, court refused to assist ā€“ this is legal to introduce around someone who harmed other people. Some previous victims have been bothered 30 years now, these follow orders from voices to stalk people, trespass, bust stuff, date someone and mess him/her up and use their job to mess people up. Governor in my state covered up this stuff and some related sex abuseā€¦The victims were to be forced into mental care to discredit them. Lady caused amnesia of her terrible sex abuse stories in women who lived alone because they could not talk about this story with a roommate/mate, which was convenient to give her abuse someone to hurt. Woman bragged about driving people crazy and really stated, ā€œCrazy is the family businessā€. The way to handle this is do not talk to anyone you met through the group again, no phone calls, textsā€¦If you have a psych doctor who tells you ā€˜false memoriesā€™ he/she may get you sexually assaulted if you are told to go back and you will be discredited, not allowed to file charges and usually victim to a lot more harassment from the public. YOu need to switch psych doctors if you ever hear this word. You can not do anything confrontational to this group of people, and you will likely be stalked so you need to ask to just be left alone ā€˜weā€™reā€™ good". If you do not follow orders from voices or talk aloud to self, voices may quit in 2-3 years. You may be victim to a lot of trespassing, do not keep a lot of expensive belongings so you can avoid going broke. Any complaints of this to police and you can get a forced mental hospitalization at your own expense which could ruin youā€¦No need to report any trespassing unless lots was stolen and you need to get police report to use renters insurance. Warranties are only help if you have a lot of stuff break. Moving may reduce some of the trespassing, but frequently a new local group starts on you if you live alone. Many women get married at this time in their lives as the men who will be looking for you post psychosis may be trashers, so may women marry someone they were already dating who is not nuts.

Some people do try to pick up a person by telling you something private you are thinking. You can try this if you want to see if you get good ones or all weirdos. Sometimes these are good match who understands local mental issues as long as he doesnā€™t call you a head caseā€¦If you get weirdos, do not answer thought broadcasters. Everything you move, you will be shown who locally hears the voices. I STRONGLY recommend you do not move alone or you move where you know someone because some women are ending up trapped in relationships with drug dealers or prostitutes for moving somewhere alone now. Country situation can be harder than city even, so I would always keep extra money so you can move in a hurry if you encounter threats you donā€™t want to deal with and a place lined up to go.

College discriminates a lot against psychosis victims now. You need note from your old psych doctor explaining your diagnosis and file this with disability support services at the college so you can get extra clarification on assignments if professor stops following syllabus or homework assignments are different than delivered in class, professor allows other students to mistreat you, you need to take tests in another room and you need alternative assignments when given group projects with someone messed up. If you get Pell grant or student loan and drop due to mistreatment, you will have to pay this back immediately. I highly recommend you take 1-2 classes and pay cash, preferably at home to train for a job you can do from home before you commit to more.

You can also ask your voices why you are hearing it. Consider it just bad joke if told to do something kooky.

Lastly, I WAS ABLE TO BE OFF MEDS AND USING THERAPY FOR A COUPLE OF YEARS. Never fill out a release to let therapist and psychiatrist communicate. Never discuss your psychiatrist with a therapist. I am on SSDI and signed up to work with Vocational Rehabilitation but local economy is so depressed, my work opportunities have been so limited that I could not work much here. If you sign up to work, it may extend you benefits if you are not using a psychiatrist. You can work on SSI but you need to discuss it with case manager to make sure you donā€™t lose your medicaid.

Should also be noted, I heard story of man who went off the meds and decided he just wanted to work. He took job at Walmart for while but eventually he could not control words coming out of his mouth ā€“ called spastic. Walmart fired him. He was not able to get disability check back for a while, could be 2-3 years. If you ever have this happen you need to say you needed to quit due to your pre-existing medical problem, and you contact Social Security immediately but you may not see any assistance for a whileā€¦

If you are not medicated and voices quit for you, you are probably okay working in job with limited public contact. I work with limited public contact even with voices continuing non-stop for 12 years now and Iā€™m fine with a lot of job situations. But, noticed a lot of people who take retail jobs end up crazier after psychosis as they keep hearing more and more voices ordering them to mess with different customersā€¦Even some of the kids from the colleges here skip working in retail as they just donā€™t want to deal with it. You also have to deal with stalking from the part-time psychotics and church hate groups while working in retail making it really bad sales situation with harassers coming into store. If you work, you need to use some cautionā€¦SSDI has some flexibility to let you try to work and get back on check for a while, but you need to limit income to $750 if you just want to work part-time so you have maximum protection when you want to return to FT. Only take menial jobs if PT so you can keep the desirable employers that would support you financially for FT work options.

SSI really is a different situation sometimes and each disability office in each city is almost like a different planet. Some people switch to pills and just do not take their meds as prescribed. I can recommend seroquel 50-400mg as nice choice with some practical uses. If you cut it into pieces and take at bedtime, it will give you a very deep sleep without a lot of side effects. A change to this drug alone and just self-adjust your dosing as you get used to it could keep you consider ā€˜meds compliantā€™ā€¦

You might check out local day program or NAMI group. Ask around to see how disability office here works for SSI review.

Hope this helps.

Pain hallucinations can happens so can heart palpitations, crawly feel, pressure and even orgasm. At beginning of the voices 13 years ago, voices told me to sit down as this was gonna ā€˜hurt like hellā€™ and I got wind knocked out of me without anything to cause it.

Was asked by voices to do the incubus thing a little ā€“ Just get out of bed for a while and say ā€˜no thank youā€™ if you are asked this. Wonā€™t hurt you but you can get harassed worse if you try this a little. Some teens/kids were attacked by this technology, frozen and basically sex assaulted. It is better to refuse offers.

I find I function best if I stay busy. It keeps most of the aches and twinges away. The psychotics who try something strenuous are sometimes plagued with some bad injuries of funky nature so I just keep it to light exertion/moderate stuff sometimes and itā€™s fine enough to get anything done sometimes.

Currently working to straighten out some eating problems I used as a crutch to 340 lbs on 5ā€™2"ā€¦Working on daily walks. Suffered another mental attack by another group after taking a job with something questionable going downā€¦Group had ruined some others to use as slaves. Iā€™m having to sit out working for a few months, worried my work will get hacked bad like another person from the employer. Iā€™m working on some portfolio pieces & study for a whileā€¦

Other special kinds of schizo include ex-wive problems leaving wealthy, mistress motivator, crazy is hitting new people to town or people who have not heard it, screwed business rivals/college, hanging out with wealthy people in college, staying around someone symptomatic (people around him go symptomatic too). In the latter, old acquaintance from Baptist churches especially will tell you they cannot talk to you anymore because the pastor says voices may quit for them. I excuse this and abide by their wishes.

Taking advantage of request from a church member from a healing can be a trap. Many psychotics are run through a 3-ring circus show, wallet checked and thrown back out onto the street with more people harassing them, even to the point victim is unable to work. Would only try a church where I knew a few members very well and understand you may be asked to leave because you make some of the other symptomatic. However, some church pastors do know how to figure out why you are hearing the voices and maybe reduce your symptoms a little. Do not give into demands for large amounts of money or cult lifestyle stuffā€¦Can be better if you only make cash donations to churches as sometimes members have money stolen out of bank accounts to motivate members to stalk people/verbally harass strangers. Can really not warn you enough about trying some churches as some are threatened with death of family for leaving some of these anti-christ situations run by dirty businessmen at mega churches. Topix.com is national site with page for all cities. You can find out about some scams or church problems on this page for your city. Suggest you post too if you find out any scams or traps.

Ask for seroquel. I get messed with tooā€¦ At least you get to sleep. Remember, cut it up for results. Take 50mg at night to start, work up from there. Gives few side effects.

Wow. This is a lot of information. Seems like you have been through a lot. Yes, I will try to keep a very low profile and stay out of sight & mind of any authorities.

DUUUUUUUDE!!! do you even know what an uppercut is? Iā€™m not sorry either so you shouldnā€™t be either.

Idk, I didnā€™t have a family ok my dadā€™s half dead and my momā€™s legit retarted. You probably have a whole flock waiting for you. I donā€™t.

Donā€™t worry Itā€™s gonna be ok though, I promise. =)

Noone cares about your facebook, @mistercollie . Like Iā€™m ever gonna read that garbage and lies. I really wish I never knew you in real life-- biggest mistake I ever made. Life woulda been so much better for me.

Did you take your meds?

ehhā€¦ Itā€™s not time to take them yet unfortunatly but I canā€™t wait til med time.

You donā€™t understand, his user name is the name of the guy that harassed/abused me as a childā€¦ and this guy knows I have schizophrenia, and he came on here with the sole purpose of trying to put me in the hospital. And it almost worked too.

iam going to say your not cause ssi has nothing to do with taking meds. as long as you have SZ you they wont be stopping ur ssi. but now if your symptoms go away and your all of a sudden cured then you might have some problems you will be fine

@Mistercollie Iā€™ve been receiving SSI for several years now, and continue seeing a psychiatrist and taking anti-psychotic meds. I was seeing her before the SSI started and I believe she was a big help in getting me approved for the financial help. I think the main thing to remind the people at the SSI office is that you are still unable to work. I have to send in a document every few years, they mail us a form to fill out and I since I live with my parents, and still see a doctor regularly I am unable to hold a job and financially support myself. I take my medications regularly. My main problem with holding a job is I cannot focus for long periods at a time. My mind gets exhausted and it starts to wander then the hallucinations start for me. Plus stress triggers my relapses and just about every job has its stresses to deal with.

If you want you can check out the site: http://www.news-medical.net/health/Hallucination-Types.aspx It talks about about types of hallucinations (as it says in the link) Tactile hallucinations occur when someone senses they are being touched when they are not, or have a sensation that bugs are crawling on them when theyā€™re not (I get this from time to time).

Or it speaks about General Somatic hallucinations that happens with the suffer feels a part of their body is being seriously hurt. I donā€™t know if you have that or if the pain youā€™re feeling is real, you might have chronic migraines, but Iā€™m not a professional and I canā€™t advise you to stop or take any medications. All I know is I wouldnā€™t be able to function as well as I have been on the current medications Iā€™m on. I still have symptoms but I believe as being Schizophrenic one never truly gets over every symptom of the disorder no matter what you do. Just taking the medication helps me cope with itā€¦but no I donā€™t believe SSI can deny you coverage because youā€™re seeking help for your disorder as long as you can prove (i.e. doctorā€™s statements or other official medial notes) that you are unable to hold a job.

If by some small chance they do I would look at a law firm that specifically deals with Social Security benefitsā€¦I know there are a few in my area I see advertised on the TV, you probably have the same kinds of lawyers in your area.

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Who are you? I have no clue who you are in real life. Do you actually know me or are you suffering some kind of delusion?

P.s. - I donā€™t take IM injections anymore. Iā€™m off of all antipsychotic meds. I still seek therapy through a psychotherapist but we have agreed it will be a drug-free treatment.

I have no idea what you are talking about. My last name is ā€œCollieā€, but you are making psychotic accusations about me and it is quite disturbing. If youā€™re actually from Poland I have no clue, but my family, at least the ā€œCollieā€ side, is all biologically from Scotland

You must be confusing me with someone else. I literally have no idea who you are.

Is there anyway you can explain to me what do you do at the Cognitive theraphy!!