Because I believe that voices are real. She keeps on saying that they are part of my brain. She should not call stupid a poor schizophrenic. Now we had a fight.
She’s right, but she shouldn’t have called you stupid .
Thats just insensitive
Look if you think they’re real, then thats just harder on you.
Its probably a delusion that is reinforced by the stimulus of w/e you hear.
Please tell her to support you, and that its not helpful to just reaffirm that its not real.
All of us need some insight. You have to put some delusions in prespective, don’t believe in everything. She is not helping in anyway by calling you stupid
I believe voices are real too.
One voice and delusion that never responded to meds is that we are all going to heaven, I need to kill myself to go to heaven faster. I talk about it everyday with my parents and they help me forget it but it still comes back the next day.
You’re not doing yourself any favour by feeding that belief. Great way to stay sick.
You’re just ignorant.
Well, now I’m curious. In what way?
In thinking voices can only be hallucinations.
No, this means that my meds are working properly and I have gained insight into my medical condition. I pray that you will find the same aspect of recovery someday.
Time you got yourself a new girlfriend.
Yes I know. We were about to be together again, but she doesn’t deserve it. How are you?
At least you had an ex. I never had a girlfriend and never will. I’m at a stage in my life where it would be counter-productive.
Its not important, many die more happy than those with a partner, and they never had a single partner.
I’m alright, thanks, but if you really fancy her think of a strategy for accomodating normie logic.
Never say never
That’s a stupid thing to say. Rather without feelings too.
Don’t listen to that one… you do not have to harm yourself to get to heaven faster
. Hugs