Why smoke? Vaping is so much cheaper

I buy 300ml of juice for 35 dollars it lasts at least 2 weeks if I was smoking I would smoke at least a pack a day so that’s like 49 dollars a week


Even cheaper (if you’re in the USA)


I don’t think I could vape unflavored


I vape unflavoured. You get used to it very quickly. It’s incredibly cheaper.

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Tried it but it doesn’t do it for me. I smoke rollies it costs me 11 euros a week that’s about the same as you pay for vaping liquids alone. I want to quit though, but I don’t.

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Do you buy Chroma or Pharma?

300ml in two weeks? I use 120ml in a month and sometimes more. I use a small pod vape though, not a big box mod vape.


I vape at 13w, its fixed wattage.

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How many mg do you vape? I do 40mg/mL nicotine salts.

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I vape 6mg probably why I go through so much juice

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I’m not in the USA I buy bulk from somewhere nearer lol.

Chroma appears even cheaper but pharma is pharma quality. That’s what I’d buy if it were my choice. I wouldn’t skimp on quality.

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Here’s the link to chroma

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Thanks @everhopeful

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I probably spend about 90 to 100 dollars a month on juices and coils.

Back when I smoked cigarettes I spent an average of 250 a month on cartons.

So yeah I agree, vaping is way cheaper and so much more relaxing.


The prices for cigarettes in Australia are absolutely ridiculous. A 20 pack of the cheapest brands are around 30 dollars. A 25 gram pouch of rolling tobacco is about 50 bucks. So I was basically forced to switch to vaping due to costs.


I will never vape again, my breathing got weird and that was zero nicotine


FedEx, UPS and USPS are all saying that they will no longer deliver vape products in the near future (FedEx on 3/1/21, UPS on 4/5/21, and USPS (tentative) on 4/27/21).

We’ll see:


I vape when i can’t afford cigarettes.I got to get my vapingproducts from overseas. Any substitute for tabbaco is discouraged here with big financial surcharges in Australia. Healthfanatics forcing their beliefs on me. I need tabbaco for emotional comfort cause my reality is dysfunctional. Its not in my control due to sz.


Read the article. I take a staunch Libertarian stance on vaping, as in just because dumbass kids break the law and buy vapes, it’s totally illogical for their actions to impede on my right to vape.

This looks like another case of big government winning and the common man getting screwed.


I vape 0 nicotine! I love the flavors… I have about 16 flavors I can pick from I have gotten last year and I like them all… I haven’t gotten a new flavor in about 4 or 5 months!